Working with a group: advantages and disadvantages

In many different situations we form a group with other people. A group is a collection of people who have contact with each other for a longer period of time. As time goes on, the identity of the group becomes more and more defined. But what is actually the reason that we work with groups? And what can go wrong in groups?

What is a group?

A group is a collection of people who, after a longer period of contact with each other, become dependent on each other. The group develops the same behavior and identity. Groups consist of 3 people or more, a maximum cannot be determined. A group is usually put together to tackle a complex task, because the more difficult a task, the more people are needed to do it.

How do you recognize a group?

  • The behavior of people in a group has become dependent on each other. The action of one affects the actions of the others.
  • People in groups have predictable norms, values and roles.
  • The members of the group have a collective identity.


The disadvantages of working with a group

Overestimation of the group

When many successes have already been achieved in a group, the members of the group may start to overestimate themselves. They think: we did a great job last time, why shouldn’t we do it now? In doing so, the risks associated with something are not sufficiently taken into account. Things can sometimes go wrong.

The non-functioning of members

When working with a whole group of people at the same time, less attention is naturally focused on each individual. One person could then unknowingly work less than the other. The results of the group are quickly taken together, and not visited individually. If one person does less than the other, but the overall result of the group is good, no further attention will be paid to it.

Division into smaller groups

When there are so many people in a group, it is difficult to keep them together. Large groups therefore quickly separate into smaller groups. The group then no longer forms a good whole, which is the intention.

The benefits of working with a group

  • The more people, the more ideas. So you achieve more ideas with a group, which means more input.
  • Groups provide support and involvement for the group members. Sometimes tasks are too big, or problems are too serious for anyone to solve alone. Then a group is needed.
  • Groups can fulfill interpersonal needs.

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