Help I have no friends

First of all, always remember that you are not the only one who has no friends right now. It may be that people do not have a constant need for it, but everyone without friends will have a moment when they would like to tell their story. You can read more information in this article.

Why don’t I have any friends?

The question is easy but the answer is very broad, because there can be many different reasons and per person there can be a different reason why they don’t have friends. A number of reasons could be:

  • you are shy
  • you have moved
  • you are not open to it
  • you are insecure

Friends are important in life, you don’t have to be on someone’s doorstep all the time, but it is always nice to know that someone is there for you.


Many people are friends with people from their old neighborhood, young children generally make friends much easier than when they are older. As a child, people are also more likely to come together because of children’s parties and mothers visiting each other. If you move in your teens or as an adult for a new job, it is often difficult to make new contacts. For example, in further education there are people from all parts of the country, while in primary school everyone often comes from the same environment.

This is also where the ‘be open to it’ part comes in. If you would like to make friends in a new neighborhood, do something yourself, have a nice chat with the neighbors, if necessary, start talking about the weather as a starting point. You can also choose to play sports or pick up a hobby in the area. You will often be grouped with people of approximately the same age and because it is relaxed, it is often easier to have a chat. It usually takes about 2 years for someone to really make someone else a good friend.


Via the internet you can get in touch with old friends or classmates again, who knows, maybe they now have the same interests and at least you have something to talk about about how life went on. If it is not easy to make contact in real life or if it is difficult to go further than talking about work with colleagues, the internet can sometimes offer a solution. Chatting via the internet can sometimes turn into a real friendship. You can also contact classmates or colleagues via, for example, Hyves or Facebook to make further contact.

No rush

Don’t be in a hurry to make friends, they often come naturally. A good friend can also be a family member, family will almost always be willing to do something fun or be ready to help you. If you hurry, it is sometimes easier to become friends with the wrong people. Don’t try to follow along and don’t do things you don’t want to do.
Remember that you don’t have to have a group of friends, sometimes one good friend is even better because you don’t have to divide the time and there are often fewer disagreements. Also show a little courage, ask about more personal things and what do you have to lose? Feel free to ask if anyone would like to do something fun.

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