Mole people in cities

Mole-people are people who consciously choose to live underground. They live in big cities like Manhattan, Las Vegas, New York… and they are wild, unpredictable and shy of people. They have their own rules. But what are the consequences of an underground lifestyle and is everyone happy with it?

To survive

Most of them are criminals, drug addicts or simply homeless. They believe they are safe in the underground tunnels, completely isolated from the outside world. They initially flee from the violence of the upper world and its social services. They see the upper world as dangerous and unpredictable. But their living conditions are dire. The oversupply of dirt results in a rat plague. Nevertheless, more people choose life underground. Many have dragged all their belongings into the shadows to create a new home.
However, there are consequences to living underground. The longer they live underground, the more difficult it becomes for them to get used to the upper world again. Everyone in the underground has settled in and become accustomed to the conditions. These are extremely bad and are not good for your health. The permanent absence of the sun causes people to lose their pigment and their eyes get used to the dark. There are cases of blindness after a long stay underground. Despite the poor living conditions, most of them seem optimistic. They are organized into small groups that function together. To survive, they search among the scrap metal and rubbish for items to sell. Almost every mole person has their own means of transport, these are usually shopping carts. They collect the objects they find and take them to the surface, where they stay temporarily to sell their things. With the proceeds they can buy food to survive.

Basic instinct

In the underground the true beast emerges , says Bernard, a mole person.
Mole people quickly get used to the conditions in the maze of tunnels. Tunnel workers testify to that fact. They only have to lose sight of something like food or work equipment while working or it disappears into the dark. It doesn’t happen much, but sometimes such a worker is attacked. The mole people work so efficiently that the workers remember nothing other than the blow to the head. They are not given the opportunity to resist.


Due to the harsh living conditions, it is not unusual for deaths to occur in the tunnels. Victims are found who lost their lives due to extreme violence or the extreme cold during the winter. Police units have decided that something needs to change. Right now they are looking for mole people in the underground. They want to clear the entire area and bring the mole people back up. Because among the mole people there are also children. Among the many mole people are drug addicts who, under the influence of the constant loneliness and darkness, pose a danger to society. As soon as the tunnels are cleared of dirt and mole people, the authorities want to barricade the whole thing so that no one can enter.


Mole people have already been brought back to the earth’s surface by the authorities and with success. Some of them now really understand what they have done to their own body and mind. Many of them are happy to be out of that situation of permanent isolation. They work towards a better life so that they will never become homeless again. They slowly regain their pigment, but the damage to the eyes remains. That is something that cannot be brought back.
A souvenir of life as a mole person.

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