Autism in education

Children with autism are often ‘forgotten’ in class. Autism in the classroom is not an everyday occurrence. The more social children attract the most attention from the teacher. One solution is special education. Here the teaching method is specifically adapted to children with problems in various areas. Additional autism guidance is also an option.

What is Autism?

Autism is described as a pervasive developmental disorder by the DSM IV , the most widely used classification tool. The autistic disorder is identified using three core symptoms:

  1. Qualitative limitations in social interactions
  2. Qualitative limitations in communication
  3. Restricted, repetitive stereotypical patterns of behavior, interests, and activities


Qualitative limitations in social interactions

Autism is a form of a contact disorder . People with autism have difficulty with social interaction. The translation of this into practice is very diverse. One person completely cuts themselves off from the outside world, while the other imposes themselves on other people in an inadequate way.

Qualitative limitations in communication

People with autism often encounter communication and language problems. Communication is often more difficult than the contact itself. Some people with autism never even learn to speak . The people who have learned to speak often stand out because of their distinctive voice and/or choice of words. People have a lot of difficulty discussing feelings because they cannot empathize with the other person’s feelings. Interpreting non-verbal communication often does not go smoothly.

Restricted, repetitive stereotypical patterns of behavior, interests, and activities

A large group of people with autism adhere strongly to fixed rituals . For example, people are fascinated by trains, or by numbers. The connection with reality is often disrupted: stimuli come in too weak or too strong.

Although the above three characteristics are the core symptoms , it does not mean that everyone with autism must meet all of the above points. Autism is a disorder that has a lot of variety . One person has more difficulty with social interaction, while another does not but has a strong obsession with car brands.

Autism in education

Many children with autism cannot function sufficiently in a regular primary school and end up in an SBO school, special primary education. There is insufficient attention for the student because there are still 25 students in the class who need the teacher’s attention and guidance. The pace at which the material is discussed is often much too high, causing the autistic child to fall even further behind, experience more learning problems and ultimately drop out or even have to leave school.

Many children with autism attend special education . This type of education is specially aimed at children with problems in various areas, such as motor problems, developmental disorders, language problems, behavioral problems, etc. The groups in special education are usually smaller, which means that the teacher has more individual attention for each child. Extra attention is paid to the difficulties a child encounters. The aim of special education is to offer every child the same and as many opportunities as possible to participate in society.

What is important in education for children with autism?

Children with autism differ from children who do not have autism in several areas. Children with autism often need a different approach and explanation at school than children without autism.

The language

For children with autism, common language is usually very unclear and vague. They often do not understand ambiguous comments, as well as have a poor understanding of the literal and figurative meaning of a word. Cynicism and sarcasm are often misunderstood.
Children with autism seem to be able to handle the language of visualization very well . Visually presented messages are understood much faster than verbal messages.

The program

Children with autism like predictability and structure . It is therefore wise to work with a fixed daily schedule and a fixed weekly schedule.

The space and workplace

Children with autism often have a surplus of incoming stimuli . To reduce external stimuli, individual workplaces can be created which are separated by partitions and preferably overlook an empty spot. This greatly reduces the chance of distraction. It may be wise to set up a separate room in the classroom as a ‘time-out’ spot . A child can go here when he or she needs to relax.

The people and autism guidance

Teachers who have experience with and knowledge of autism are worth their weight in gold. Teachers must have insight into the child’s situation and problems, so that appropriate treatment or adjustment can be made.

The material

It is important that the material being used is clear. This also creates more independence . Make sure that all material has a fixed place.

The time

Make a timetable in advance and make it clearly known to the children. This timetable provides structure and clarity, and therefore safety. Abstract concepts of time are difficult for children with autism.

Specific teaching methods

Over the years, a number of teaching methods have been developed based on research into autism and education. These teaching methods are better suited to children with autism than regular teaching methods.


TEACCH stands for ,Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children, . The aim of this teaching method is to stimulate general and individual skills through the use of a highly clarified educational environment . The core principles are visualization and structure. With this educational method, parents are actively involved to achieve alignment regarding development support.

SonRise program

In this program, we do not try to actively unlearn autism-typical behaviors, but we try to imitate these behaviors . The aim of this is complete acceptance of the autistic behaviours. The child with autism may respond to this with more interaction skills and openness.

Holding therapy

The Holding theory sees the disturbed bond between parent and child as the cause of autism. In therapy, the autistic child is held tightly by the parent while the parent expresses all the feelings he/she has about the child. This holding should take place daily until the child completely surrenders to holding. This method is very controversial.

Gentle teaching

Gentle teaching was developed towards the end of 1980 by John McGee . The emphasis in this teaching method is on the bond between the teacher and the child . The education is anything but aggressive and only tasks are offered that (almost) cannot go wrong. When a child shows inappropriate or undesirable behavior, this is ignored or the child is distracted.

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