His quirks

Maybe that’s why it’s so much fun to be human, every person is unique and has his or her quirks. What can be called striking is the fact that women ,whine, more about the things that ,he, has as peculiarities than the other way around. When we put the question to the test by asking a number of women the question and some of them immediately started talking about it, it became clear. Women comment more on men than the other way around.


After ranking the answers of about 67 women (in different age categories), a few things stand out that are common to most women. Things that the man may not even notice, do not find interesting or important and which he certainly considers of secondary importance. That does not alter the fact that many women do indeed encounter some things in almost all women about falling and experiencing it as difficult or even disturbing. In many cases, communication does not solve the problem (for the women) and has everything to do with the reasons mentioned above.

High-scoring oddities

The matters that can regularly be found in the list of women are summarized below.


The vast majority of women like to shop. Not functional like many men, that is to say go to the shops where you actually need to be and buy your stuff there, but definitely look further and in the meantime of course see other shops with nice things and for many women this applies once they Once they arrive, they are sold.
What is outlined above has traditionally been part of the role pattern. A role pattern in which the woman is the one who has collected everything (to live on) and the man is the one who ensures that there is something to live on. After all, to fulfill this role he must go straight to his goal. No fewer than 89% of women indicated that they would like it if their partner would simply want to go shopping with them, in the same way as the woman closest to them. These are rarely hot topics in a relationship, but many women continue to try every now and then and even try to explain to the man why shopping is so much fun. It goes without saying that this usually does not arrive. However, most women make an attempt and then they give up and seek refuge as expected from other women.


A large number of women resent the mess that many men leave behind them, and some men also literally leave it behind them. As many as 95% are bothered to a greater or lesser extent by the fact that men are so comfortable with storing (or actually not storing) things. This varies from leaving the bathroom like a battlefield after a shower, to putting things on the stairs to be taken upstairs, and then not doing this himself when he goes upstairs. But also shoes that are taken off and simply remain where they were taken off. Clothes that are not put in the laundry basket, but are placed on or next to it and utensils are left where they were needed.
The real pervert is a dying breed, just a few women who still find smelly sportswear or shoes in the middle of the house or dirty underwear in the most diverse places. Only a few women succeed in getting rid of it, because a lower priority for the man does not suddenly increase because the woman wants this. Men have a goal and they go towards it, walking over things on their way to it. Call it tunnel vision, which is also the case to a limited extent. In addition, a number of men see this as domestic work (the group is becoming smaller) and the majority of women are still responsible for this. From a social point of view, the woman is also more likely to notice it and therefore be bothered by it.

Sleep immediately after sex

This is even seen as an insult by some women, but in general most women find it disturbing. More than 80% have to deal with it regularly or often. Yet the men cannot do anything about it, because there is a physical explanation for it. Men produce a huge mountain of hormones after sex. One of them, namely prolactin, has an extremely strong relaxing effect on men (5x as much after sex with a partner than after masturbation). For women, the hormone works the other way around and makes them very clear and alert.


Many women find it annoying when their partner does not go to the doctor when something is wrong. As many as 65% of women occasionally have to deal with the fact that their partner, who has had a cough, a pain or something else for some time, does not go to the doctor. Are women more petty? Maybe, but that hasn’t really been proven. It is true that a man, from ancient times, does not easily show his vulnerable side. In the past that could cost him his head and nowadays it has more to do with not wanting to be seen as weak. So it’s a bit of macho behavior, and as a man you don’t have to be a real macho for that.

Furthermore, due to the busy lives we lead, there is also a time aspect that plays a more important role for men than for women. Shifting responsibility from your own body to the business. More men than women fall through with this.


In addition to these matters, which are by far the most mentioned and also clearly reflect the difference between men and women, a number of aspects have also been discussed. In addition, the different sex, and in particular the interest in what someone likes, comes up regularly, as well as the concentration, as a number of women call it. Not being able to speak to the partner when he or she is busy with something. To be traced back to the goal and not being able to be busy with multiple things, as is the case with many women. However, if you are busy with several things, you also have to divide your attention and therefore on balance less attention can be paid to the different things than when you focus on one thing. Perhaps the man is not so strange in achieving his goals.

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