A deserved compliment to someone else can do wonders

A compliment is nice to receive. Whether you have a paid job, work as a volunteer, work from home or just take care of the household; it is always nice when the work you do is appreciated by others. A given compliment expresses appreciation for your work and indirectly for your person. This will definitely make you more cheerful and positive. However, the same also applies to others. They also like to receive a compliment that confirms their self-awareness. Appreciation is always appreciated. Therefore, give a compliment more often. It will make you happy too. It works both ways. The giver and the receiver both become more cheerful.

Working without appreciation

Anyone who works hard all the time and is only paid for it will eventually lose interest in it. That work is depressing and that person has the feeling that they only have to work for the money and that his or her own person does not matter at all. In fact, people don’t say anything when they get a good result, but when they make a mistake or don’t meet the deadline, they grumble. That is frustrating and no one can last long in such a workplace.

A deserved compliment can do wonders

This applies to all branches of our society. Also within the social part. A friend who comes to help you is happy to receive a compliment about his or her dexterity. Teachers who occasionally compliment their children when they have performed better than on the previous test will achieve better results, because the students will try to do even harder the next time. After all, a compliment in front of an entire class is not to be sneezed at. That gives a kick.

The home situation provides sufficient opportunities to give a compliment

Partners who already have a long-term relationship sometimes forget that they can give each other a compliment every now and then. Especially once there are children and everyday life has become a race against time, giving compliments is often forgotten.

Partners often feel undervalued

Both partners sometimes feel that they do a lot for the other and for the household, but receive no appreciation from the other in return. That has a negative effect on a relationship.

Talking together is important

That dissatisfied feeling is often reciprocated, but it is rarely, if ever, talked about. Each of the two has the idea that he does more than the other and that the other does not see what has already been done. Both often think: ,What am I doing this for?, A compliment can do wonders in that situation. In such a situation it is good to let the other person know what concerns you. If he doesn’t notice anything, he thinks everything is going well and you have no problem with it.

Lovers often use a compliment

During the time of first falling in love and also during the first few years of living together, compliments are often still successful. However, one quickly gets used to a partner who cooks well, is good at DIY, never forgets birthdays, manages money excellently, knows how to deal with the children, always looks neat and well dressed, and so on. However, this may be said every now and then. This is not only fun for the other person, but it is also a token of appreciation, allowing the partner to notice that he or she has not just become a piece of furniture over all these years.

The compliment as a parenting aid is a good signal

Also in education, a serious compliment often works better than a reprimand. Of course, the compliment must be deserved. If, as an educator, you simply give compliments to your offspring indiscriminately, it will no longer have any value in the long run. However, children are very sensitive to a deserved compliment and it often improves the relationship between parent and child if this becomes part of their upbringing.


If your son or daughter brought home a good report, passed an exam, or just cleared the table and washed the dishes on their own, then a compliment is certainly appropriate. The child feels appreciated and is proud of his or her achievement. That gives a good feeling and is a push on the right path to show his best side again next time. In this way you show the child that what he/she does is also seen, noticed and appreciated.

Help with overactive children

Overactive children also respond better to a deserved compliment than to grumbling and punishment from their caregivers. Of course there must be grumbling when unacceptable things happen and of course there must be punishment if the child does not listen and still does what is strictly forbidden. However, a parent of an overactive child often becomes irritated himself and is no longer able to respond positively when the child does something that is really good.

A compliment works better than irritation and punishment

The irritation of a parent who is stressed by a non-listening, overly active child is of course understandable, but it is not conducive to the relationship between that parent and the child. So, especially when raising overactive children, make sure that good behavior also deserves a compliment. The overactive child is also sensitive to this and will do his best to earn another compliment.

Employers create satisfaction among employees

Employees who occasionally receive a compliment from their boss for a job well done perform better. This not only ensures satisfied employees, but also satisfied customers and therefore a better operating result. Nowadays it sometimes seems as if everyone has forgotten that and all that remains is to earn money, as quickly as possible and preferably with as few problems as possible. However, the work often has to be done by people.

The better the atmosphere, the better the quality

The better the atmosphere between the employer and his employees and the more involved the employees are with their boss and their company, the better they will perform. However, this is not only achieved through higher wages. The employer who shows an interest in the lives of the employees, has an occasional chat and is familiar with their circumstances, is also more likely to give a compliment. Especially if an employee has really done his best under difficult circumstances.

The connection between appreciation and the results of the work

In a company where employees are treated as if only they need to be profited from, there is usually no atmosphere and no cohesion. The quality and quantity of the work always suffers. However, if you treat your employees as valuable employees, show interest in them and their living conditions and also show satisfaction for a job well done, you will be amazed by the results.

You will also become happy by giving a compliment to someone else

Every now and then everyone needs a push and a compliment for a job well done or providing help to others is always a push in the right direction. It enhances social life and the strange thing is that you, as the giver of the compliment, are happier when you see that what you say makes the other person happy. Try it out!

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