The Golden Rose Cross

The Lectorium Rosicrucianum – Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross Gnosis and spirit spark atom are words with a deeper meaning. These are also frequently used in the Lectorium Rosicrucianum. What is the Lectorium Rosicrucianum? How did this belief originate? And where can you find centers to gather more information?

The emergence

The Lectorium Rosicrucianum, also known as the Spiritual School of the Golden Rose Cross, is a religious movement that can be traced back to the Cathars and the 17th century Rosicrucians. Here too, the basis of faith is laid in an inner self and the change that can take place within it to a so-called enlightenment.

The founders of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum are Jan Leene (1896-1986), better known under the pseudonym Jan van Rijckenborgh, his brother Zwier W. Leene (1882-1938) and Henny Stok-Huyser (1902-1990), better known under her pseudonym. Catharose de Petri. Before they laid the foundation of the now worldwide spiritual school in 1935, they were affiliated with the Rosicrucian Fellowship. When over time they found the vision of Max Hendel (pseudonym for Carl Louis von Grasshoff (1865-1919)) inadequate, they seceded.

During the period of German occupation, practicing was prohibited, but this movement remained strong underground. Between 1946 and 1968, almost the entire repertoire of Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri was published in Dutch, and in 1951 this attracted foreign attention. This was followed by the first translations into German, English and French. Translations are now available in 19 languages.

In 1960, the Lectorium Roscicrucianum was officially registered as a religious society. In 1963, the Declaration of Principles was drawn up to provide a clear picture of the intentions of the International School of the Golden Rosycross.

Part of the explanation is as follows;

“The Path of the Christ is a Via Dolorosa. It is a way, a method, an attitude to life, a religious disposition aimed at working on the Rose. The Rose is a latent principle, residing in every human being, on the basis of which the Childhood of God can be realized. That principle is found in the heart of man.”
Source: fie/rozenkruis-en-gnosis/opricht

After the death of Catharose de Petri in 1990, the International Spiritual leadership was established. This council of 13 is in charge of the Geestesschool.

Where can you find the Lectorium Rosicrucianum?

There are currently 14 centers in the Netherlands alone. In Alkmaar, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Bergen op Zoom, The Hague, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Haarlem, Hilversum, Hoorn, Maastricht, Rotterdam and Utrecht. The main temple is located in Haarlem.

There are also 2 international conference resorts, Renova and Noverosa. Renova (in Bilthoven) is the conference center for international conferences. A conference takes place there every two to three weeks, where people can recover from the busy society and everyday life. Noverosa (in Doornspijk) is mainly set up for (international) youth. A number of meetings take place there on an annual basis, supplemented with a summer week.

If an interested party has acquired enough information and impressions over time , he or she can become a member. A number of guidelines are given for this in life. For example, you are asked not to smoke, drink or use fish or meat. Anyone interested becomes a member, then a preparatory student , probationary student and professing student. After this, the higher degrees await, also called the Brotherhood (m/f) of inner degrees. There are also 3 gradations. The Higher School of Consciousness, Ecclesia and Grail.

The Lectorium Rosicrucianum actively makes contact with interested parties, including (theme) meetings, visits and courses. Furthermore, exhibitions and lectures are given in public libraries, bookstores and public universities. All this to make the teaching more known and public among the population.

The symbol of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum:

The circle, the triangle and the square, combined in the symbol of the School, refer to the high reality, the liberating path and the attitude to life of the Rosicrucian. –

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