Guidance for new age children

The guidance of new age children has been a source of concern for some time within organizations that deal with children. What do these children ask of you? How can guidance be given shape?

Guidance at school.


At the moment, the guidance of new age children in schools is very outdated. Schools start from what these children cannot do. To ,eliminate, these shortcomings, an action plan is drawn up, usually for a period of 6 weeks.
During that time, the child practices with the teacher or the school’s RT person to eliminate the shortcoming. After 6 weeks there is often a brief consultation about the child’s progress . It is checked whether the substance has now been controlled and whether the action plan still needs to be continued.

Socially emotional.

If the child exhibits behavioral problems or stands out in another way within the group, the internal counselor will be called in. Together with the parents he looks at what is going on. If the cause of the behavior is not clear, an investigation is often performed. This is usually done by an independent research agency.
This research often depends on:

  • the duration of the behavior.
  • the severity of the behavior.
  • the school’s funds.
  • the ,waiting list, of the research agency.

Once the investigation has taken place, it will be determined what will happen to the student. Perhaps the child can be helped at school or perhaps the situation is such that the child will go to special education if he or she feels better there.

Based on the results of such an investigation, parents decide with the school about the steps to be taken.

What do these children ask of you?

This group of children places great demands on their teachers, parents, and other stakeholders.
They ask us to understand and support them so that they can continue to stand in their own strength. A child who is allowed to continue to stand in his strength feels confident in himself and is very proud of who he is. He knows what he can do and knows what he wants.
That does not mean that the calculations do not have to be mastered, of course they do! Only the starting point must be different.


Guidance in schools cannot simply be reversed. But we can clearly reverse the process.

  • By first assuming what the child can do. If the child feels good about himself, he will also learn more easily.
  • By taking note of new forms of guidance. Consider, for example, the Matrix method.
  • By looking carefully at what the individual needs, and only later the group.
  • By reading a lot about guidance for these children.
  • By allowing schools to choose their own research agency, also depending on the needs of parent and child.
  • By providing teachers with better information about this group of children, so that they know better how to act.


Knowing more?

There is a lot to be found on the internet about this subject. You can also consult with other teachers about an action plan.
You can also find a lot of information on this subject in the library. Furthermore, all kinds of courses are regularly offered on new age children, education, nutrition , and so on.
Enough to learn, then!

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