Left-handedness is often difficult, but sometimes very useful

Being left-handed seems to offer little advantage because you belong to a minority that is little taken into account in society. For example, when it comes to all kinds of right-handed utensils. As a left-oriented person you have a greater chance of being creative or musical. Unfortunately, certain conditions are more common among left-handed people. And the handwriting of a left-handed person can also be less attractive.

Society right-handed oriented?

Because all kinds of facilities and utensils are designed for right-handed people, it seems as if right-handed people dominate the world. That is of course only an appearance. In reality, right- and left-handed people have proportionally the same amount of input into society. Discrimination does not seem to exist in this area. If you are fit for the most powerful office, you will be just as well if you write with the left (ex-President Obama). But it is often difficult if you belong to the minority that is left-handed.

Forced right writing

In the last century, until 1960, children who were naturally left-handed were often forced to learn to write on the right in primary school. Not really a method to get children to go to school with pleasure and motivation. Today, fortunately, this is handled more flexibly, although left-handed people do encounter all kinds of inconveniences in our right-handed society. Although left-handedness is not a handicap, it can be quite difficult at times.


About 10 to 15 percent of people are left-wing, regardless of their cultural background. The reason for this ,deviation , is still unknown. This is partly due to the fact that the reason for left-handedness is different and complex. There are several causes of left-handedness. Not everyone is born left-handed. Some only became left-handed when they learned to write at school. Then there is also a group that has no clear preference and works alternately with left or right. It all becomes even more confusing because the influence of the environment also determines which hand is used. And of course it is important that all utensils, where necessary, are oriented right-handed. In short, this lack of clarity means that there are many unanswered questions regarding the phenomenon of left-handedness.
In the animal kingdom too, there are often left- and right-oriented specimens per species, but the distribution there is always 50/50, which seems much more logical.

Different brains

What is clear are the differences in the brains between left and right-handers. In right-handed people, the motor area and the language center are mainly located in the left brain. Parts of the visual system are located in the right region of the brain. In left-handed people, these functions are more spread across the entire brain.


Some conditions are clearly more common among left-handed people. For example, dyslexia, schizophrenia and autism. There also appears to be a greater risk of strokes, breast cancer and colon cancer, according to neurobiologist Sara Schaafsma.

An advantage in sports

In football, as a left-footed player you often have an advantage. A left-footed football player who is deployed on the left, for example as a left winger, knows how to mislead many right-footed defenders of the opposing team with his surprising passing movements, with all the advantages that entails. This surprise effect also applies to tennis, handball and boxing, among others. So in those sports where the direct opponent is more used to a right-oriented opponent. And since the left-footed and southpaws are also more sparse in the sport and have less competition, you are more likely to be asked. And as a professional player you get paid proportionately better, due to the law of supply and demand.

Better two right hands than two left hands

The statement ,he has two left hands, is used to describe men who can barely fry an egg and can’t hold a screwdriver. That is of course an imaginary thing or a matter of laziness, because where there is a will, there is a way. On the other hand, men who are above average handy, for example without any professional training who can still professionally install a window frame, lay bricks on a wall or install a kitchen, we respectfully call a man with ,two right hands,. Unfortunately, being above-average handy yields less financially than an above-average IQ. Although you are more likely to be asked to work as a handyman in your immediate environment, and that sometimes provides a financial bonus.

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