Reading body language

Noticing the signals people send with their body language is a very useful social skill. Some people can do it naturally, others are not aware of it. Fortunately, it is possible to read body language with a little extra attention. If you know how to recognize the right signals and focus on them, it can become second nature.

Pay attention to how close someone is to you

The closer someone is, the more comfortable they feel with you. The further someone is from you, the less interested they are in you or the situation. Notice what happens as you slowly approach. If the person slowly moves away, it means they don’t want the contact to be more personal than it is now. If he or she remains in place, then there is admissibility. If the person in question responds by also coming closer, this means that the other person likes you or feels comfortable with you.

Look at the position of the head

An exaggerated head tilt is either a sign of sympathy, or if the person smiles while tilting the head, playfully perhaps even intended as flirtation.

A lowered head may indicate that something is being hidden. Pay attention if someone lowers their head. If it happens when someone receives a compliment, the other person may become shy, ashamed or timid, and consciously want to create some distance out of disbelief or to think. If it happens after a statement, he or she may be unsure about what was said.

A pointed head is a sign of confusion or challenge , depending on the position of the eyes, eyebrows and mouth. Think of how a dog cocks its head when a sound is made.

Look into the eyes

People who look sideways are nervous, lying, or distracted. However, if a person looks away from the speaker, it can also be a sign of submissiveness. Generally, the person is suspicious or unconvinced.

If someone looks at the ground a lot, you are probably dealing with a shy or timid person .
In some cultures, looking directly into the eyes is a sign of disrespect, so this may explain why someone doesn’t look you in the eye.

Dilated pupils mean the person is interested. However, keep in mind that many drugs cause the pupils to dilate. This can be the case with alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD, MDMA and other drugs.

If it appears that someone is looking far away, it usually indicates that the person is lost in thought or not listening.

Pay attention to whether the other person is mirroring himself. Mirroring is something that often occurs. If someone mirrors you or imitates your facial expressions, this is a sign that the other person is very interested in you. In these circumstances, try to change your position a little, if it appears that the other person is taking over the position, then you know that the other person is mirroring you.

The arms

People who have their arms folded are somewhat isolated from their environment. And while some people do this out of habit, it could indicate that the person is (slightly) reserved, uncomfortable with the situation, or just trying to hide something on the shirt.

If the arms are crossed in combination with placing the feet at shoulder width or wider, this indicates the radiating of authority.

If someone rests their arms behind their neck or head, they are open to what is being discussed.

If the hands rest on the hips, it indicates that you are waiting for something or are impatient.

Closed hands or clenched fists indicate irritation, anger or nervousness.

Watch for nervous traits

When someone runs their fingers through their hair to smooth it, it may indicate that the other person likes you, or that their thoughts conflict with yours. If the eyebrows are furrowed at the same time, you can be almost certain that the other person does not agree with you.

If the other person wears glasses and continuously presses them against their nose while slightly furrowing their eyebrows, you can assume that the other person does not agree with what you say.

Lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes illustrate an attempt to understand what is being said. Assuming that the other person does not try to observe anything at a great distance.

If the other person is staring into space, the other person is probably thinking deeply about the past or about you.

Watch the feet

Rapid tapping, shifting of weight, or movement of feet usually indicates that the other person is impatient, excited, nervous, scared, or intimidated.

If someone sits with their feet crossed at the ankles, this generally means that a person feels comfortable.

If contact is made with you on purpose, this indicates flirting!

Some people have the habit of pointing their feet in the direction of what interests them. So if they point in your direction, it may indicate that there is an interest in you .

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