Wrong men under the microscope

Many women waste a large part of their lives on one or more bad men. It is known that some women keep falling in love with a man who they intuitively know is not suitable for them. Sometimes women fall for ‘bad boys’, powerful men or some other variant. Ultimately, these relationships fail because the woman remains emotionally unfulfilled. Which men should you avoid to have a pleasant relationship?

The business freak

There he is: The flashy businessman with tie and notebook and how attractive he looks. His cell phone rings incessantly because it is oh so important. Once he has won you over, he takes you to interesting parties and expensive restaurants, but usually you share him with his business partners with whom he has to meet every day until after six. One day you notice that his love for his computer is greater than his love for you and he doesn’t seem to miss you the next time he goes to a conference, workshop or conference. The businessman loves himself above all.

The pervert

The oversexed man is not that interested in you as a person but wants to see you at all times, which is evident from his incessant stream of invitations to you. He dreams of bizarre experiments and sexual excesses. His PC is full of pornographic videos, he effortlessly expresses his genitals in webcam chat rooms, and when he sees you in front of him he is plagued by a rush of testosterone and only wants one thing: to share a bed with you. His excuse is simple: He’s a ‘man’, so understand!

The money grubber

The money grubber takes you everywhere and it all seems impossible. At a certain point you think ‘What does he do all this with?’. On that day the monkey will come out of his sleeve and ask the real money spender if he can borrow some money from you, after which the money ball will start rolling and you will have to continuously open your wallet. He loses his income in this way just as quickly to slot machines, casinos and shady businesses.

The aggressive

The violence lover will not take ‘no’ for an answer and will become inflamed at the slightest thing and degenerate into cursing and ranting. Actually, you can call it lucky, when his anger and frustrations reach a peak he will not shy away from a punch, tap, whack or blow. Before you know it, you sink with him into his swamp of verbal and physical violence and you no longer recognize yourself. The violent man is sick.

The mother lover

You recognize him by the fact that he still lives at home with ‘mom’ around the age of thirty. If you do business with this man, there is a good chance that you are dealing with a child instead of a man. He will constantly talk in the ‘we’ form and attaches extreme importance to his mother’s opinion. Every proposal from you is first viewed from his parental situation and he sees every outside influence as a threat. This man has never grown up and doesn’t even want to be.

The showman

The showman is the man who wants to impress with his fast car, his muscles and his cool clothes. If he has conquered you with all his possessions, he wants the same from you in return, so that he can show you off properly. Before you know it, you’ll be spending days in front of the mirror and working up a sweat in fitness rooms just to meet your stud’s needs. If at some point your appearance leaves something to be desired, he will exchange you for a more beautiful lady.

The computer nerd

This man hangs on his computer all day long and is addicted to gaming, chatting and surfing. You will have to fight this urge to use the computer and there is a good chance that you will lose it. He forgets to eat, shower and sleep. You will have to chase his rags every day to hoist him out of his office chair. He is not particularly interested in joint outings because he thinks that is a waste of his time. If you manage to get him away from his computer (wow!), he will complain a lot and waste the time until he can use his beloved PC again.

The pacesetter

This man seems nice and nice but is a disaster. Sitting on the couch with you doesn’t entice him in any way. His social circle is so large that you are just a pinhead in his rich social life and extensive circle of friends. This actually sad man is crazy about the whole world, drinks beer with like-minded people and prefers to watch football ‘together’. With the pacer you will be lonelier than with any man. He does notice you, but never for long because his attention is always on the people who admire him and who he gets going. If you want to feel alone, choose a pacesetter.

The slacker

This sweetheart is silly and adorable at the same time and looks more like a nurse or servant than a man. You will almost feel embarrassed and guilty when he predictably prepares your tea and heats your hot water bottle for the umpteenth time. The slacker loses out in almost every relationship or communication because he completely ignores himself. His adaptability and his faithful dog eyes are attractive, but you feel anything but a woman with a man like him. The slacker won’t understand what you mean. He’ll do everything for you, right? Well.

The possessive

The possessive man keeps track of your entire daily schedule. Every time you look at another man, he overreacts and becomes jealous. He himself suffers most from the constant fear that you will leave him. He is suspicious and has little self-confidence. He watches carefully how you behave in the company of other men and always wants to know what you think of certain men. If you have given a little too much attention to another man, he will want to win you back in all kinds of ways. The possessive man is obsessed with you and sees every other man as a competitor.

The collector

The lyrical collector does not realize that collecting can get out of hand. How delighted he is with his shiny display cases full of plastic football players and flags, or his attic full of moving trains. He can’t stop talking about his impressive collection of sports cars, or is filled with pride at the sight of crappy engine parts. He almost forgot that he has you as a girlfriend. You never have a collector for yourself alone, you will have to support him in his adoration otherwise you can leave the field. His collection is everything to him and you are number two.

The scatterbrain

This muddled ball is a chaos in both its mind and its appearance. He is messy and sloppy and forgets everything. Without you as an agenda, his life will be even more disorganized than it already is. He has no regard for rules, norms and values and lives without a clock and without structure. He thinks it’s normal to call you in the middle of the night to discuss a sudden idea, but doesn’t answer when you show up at his door in the morning. He doesn’t care about grooming, soap is foreign to him and going to the hairdresser doesn’t occur to him. Watch out for his beard which is often long and grubby.

The criminal

Stay far away from the criminal man. The criminal man does not hesitate to launder money, pull his knife, rob an old woman or steal a bicycle. Be wary if he goes out all evenings, if he has a suspicious group of friends, if he makes suggestions to you to help him with his ‘business’ and if he makes nervous phone calls to strangers. The criminal man is always surprising, but that becomes a lot less fun when the police show up at the door one bad day.

The lady killer

The callous ladykiller finds pleasure in the eternal pursuit of women. If he has hooked you romantically, he is already looking forward to the next victim in his long line of destruction. This man is a genius in shameless conquest and achieves great success with his inexhaustible source of seduction techniques. He is strongly charmed by feminine beauty, but also appreciates it when a woman has something else to offer. When his game is over, he has had enough of you and his attention turns to the next one, he will break your heart and shove you aside coldly.

The know-it-all

The know-it-all never misses an opportunity to tell you what’s going on. He challenges, corrects and always knows better. Every attempt to reason with him fails, because he has already made his judgment and sticks to every position. It is impossible to have meaningful conversations with this man because he is so rigid that it is best to remain silent. The know-it-all has no understanding for other people’s insights and if you do do business with him, know that your life will be filled with verbal conflict or silence.

The unpredictable one

This is a capricious and fickle type who gives you everything except security and confidence. This man takes different forms and just when you think you know him he changes radically. His unstable behavior means that you never know where you stand with him, which will turn you into an uncertain pile. You have two types of unpredictable men: One type never knows what he wants and the other type wants everything at once. The fact that he is making you a victim of his whims only dawns with difficulty, if at all. The advice is to stay away from this monster.

The closed oyster

As a woman, a closed man is not of much use. You never know what’s going on in his head because he spends his days in silence. He thinks talking is a waste of time and he would much rather just talk to himself in his head. Don’t think that the closed oyster leads a boring life, it may be more exciting and interesting than you think, but it just doesn’t tell you anything. When you ask how his day was, he mumbles something to get it over with. The closed man is also a man you should be careful of. It is exactly that man who one day unexpectedly packs his suitcase and announces that he is leaving you.

The lust for power

The power-hungry wants to control you. His manipulative ways to manipulate things to his will know no bounds. He is dominant in the house and gives orders with the greatest of ease. If you don’t dance to his tune, hold on tight because he will become even more entrenched in his sick lust for power. Also at work and in the family he will always make sure to take the most important position. He has no interest in your self-respect. You will definitely have to take a few steps back when the power-hungry comes your way.

,A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one.,

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  • Wrong women under the microscope

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