Who is a good partner for you genetically?

How can you tell whether a man is biologically a good partner? Due to the removal of social and cultural restrictions, most women here are free to choose their partner. What can you pay attention to? Without you even realizing it, your subconscious makes countless choices. Natural selection has left only the genes associated with a certain, favorable partner selection. The ingrained patterns that have emerged in the human brain over the centuries influence the decisions your subconscious makes when selecting the best partner. It is of course important for the survival of humans that healthy children are born. What does your subconscious pay attention to? So who is evolutionarily the right father for your children?

The mysterious stranger

If in your area the partners were chosen from a small group over the centuries, there is a much greater chance that children will be born with hereditary disorders. By repeatedly combining genes from a small gene pool, the chance is statistically much greater that hereditary diseases will be passed on to offspring. Fortunately, our brains have a kind of protection mechanism against this. We are not generally attracted to siblings. Scientific research has also shown that even boys and girls who know each other very well because they have lived together for years in a kibbutz (a kind of community in Israel) usually do not marry. So they know each other well and should therefore be able to assess whether the other person is a good partner. Yet they do not marry each other. This is how humans protect themselves against inbreeding.


To a large extent, you subconsciously try to determine whether your partner is intelligent. Now he doesn’t have to be a Nobel Prize winner. But we find a certain dose of cleverness attractive in the man. The reason for this is that we assume that smart men are better able to nourish and protect their offspring. So we assume that smart men have more survival strategies. It is of course important for a family and for the human species that children survive. Warmth, love, nutrition and a roof over your head are crucial for this. The future mother scans whether her husband can provide this. It takes her a lot of energy to raise a child. It is then important that the partner also contributes to the survival of his children. Intelligence can, for example, be read from vocabulary or what someone has already achieved in their life. Research shows that although women say that money is not important to them, they still prefer a man with a lot of financial resources. This has to do with the unconscious preference for a strong, intelligent man.

A healthy genetic package

If someone has a nice symmetrical build, this is an indication that they have a healthy genetic package. Development has then gone smoothly during his body under the influence of these genes. These genes also give women the best chance of producing healthy, strong offspring. So we find symmetrical people more attractive than people who are not symmetrical. Symmetry is easy to read from a person’s face. However, it also seems to be the case that you can smell symmetry. Men who have the same proportions on the left and right seem to spread an attractive scent to women.

The character

The character of the woman herself is a more important indicator of the success and longevity of the relationship. According to the same study, the character of the man is not that important. So women: hold up a mirror to yourself.

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