Seniors: clothing and fashion tips

As a senior, you probably dress differently than when you were a teenager. Unfortunately, there is a perception about clothing and shoes for seniors and the elderly that it is boring and uninspired. In this article you can read tips about fashion and clothing for seniors and in which stores you can buy senior clothing.

What do you want to radiate?

Clothing and other fashion such as shoes are ideal for expressing something. With clothing you can radiate a certain atmosphere, for example class, success, romance, casual, sober, cheerful, and so on. By choosing certain clothing or shoes you can also have a rejuvenating appearance. So ask yourself carefully what you want to radiate and adjust your clothes and shoes accordingly. Always wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and that suits your personality. If you wear clothes that you do not feel comfortable in, this will not benefit your appearance.

Disadvantages for seniors

What often happens is that older people wear clothing that disguises their own figure, often out of insecurity or laziness. As a result, the clothing is unimaginative and often too large. Which is also not recommended if you are going to wear the clothes from your youth. As fun as this was in many cases, try to follow current fashion to some extent. Because fashion continually reuses elements from the past, certain forms of past fashion are often current.

Where to buy clothes and fashion for seniors?

In almost all villages and towns you can find shops that specialize in fashion for seniors. The sellers often take the time for you and will give you good advice. Nowadays there are more and more websites on the internet that specifically focus on fashion and clothing for seniors. The advantage of buying via the internet is that the prices are often considerably lower. So you can save a lot on your purchases. The disadvantage of buying online is that you cannot try on the clothes or shoes before you buy them. It is always possible to have the clothes delivered to your home, try them on at your leisure and, if desired, simply return them and get your money back. The conditions for returns are usually indicated upon delivery. Please note that some online stores may require you to pay return shipping costs. These costs usually amount to a few euros. However, a growing number of online stores charge no shipping costs and no return costs.

Buy clothes on sale

Unfortunately, clothes and shoes are usually quite pricey. It is therefore advisable to buy clothes, shoes and other fashion accessories during the sale. During the sale, these items are sold at a discount. The reason for this is that the shelves must be empty for the new collection. In the Netherlands, sales can take place all year round, but most retail chains limit sales to a winter sale and a summer sale. The winter sale takes place approximately during the months of December and January, the summer sale during the months of June and July. In Belgium, the dates for sales (bargains or sales) are laid down by law. The summer sales take place from July 1 to 31 and the winter sales from January 3 to 31.

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