Tips against loneliness

Many people feel lonely, although that is often not necessary. Loneliness can be incredibly annoying and it feels like it will never end. How can you deal with loneliness? How can you feel less lonely? What are some tips against loneliness, so that you can feel happier and happier again?


People can feel lonely, even when they are not alone. Even people with a partner or a mountain of friends can suffer from loneliness. When you feel lonely, you feel as if you are alone and there is no one around you to help you. You feel like you can’t enjoy yourself. What can be done about these unpleasant feelings?

Face loneliness

One of the best ways to deal with loneliness is to face the problem head on. For example, keep a diary so that you get a good idea of the loneliness you are dealing with. This way you can find out when you are particularly bothered by your loneliness and discover what your difficult moments are. For example, some people suffer from loneliness in the evenings, or when they are doing something specific, such as watching a movie. By getting a better picture of your loneliness, it is easier to put your problems into perspective.

Time allocation when you are lonely

If you are lonely, it may be advisable to divide your time differently. Once you know when you are lonely, you can do something about it. This way you can better manage the difficult moments. For example, take a course or visit friends at times that are difficult for you. Try to make some kind of schedule where you have time for new hobbies and friends, so that you have less time to feel lonely. This gives you more distractions and makes it much easier to deal with your feelings.

Develop new interests

People often feel lonely because they spend a lot of time at home. Therefore, try to develop new interests. When you sit at home, you will not develop yourself and it can be increasingly difficult to get out of the circle of lonely feelings. Therefore, do things that are not self-evident. Go to the gym, sign up for a course, tag along when your friends go somewhere, develop yourself. You can even go on holiday with only people traveling alone. It is not easy to just forget the lonely feelings, but trying new things can make you feel less lonely.

Postpone moments of worry

This sounds easier than said, but it does help: postpone your worrying moments. You often feel lonely when you are worrying. It is impossible not to worry at all, so make sure you have a fixed time of day when you are allowed to worry. If you start to think outside of this moment, you have to be strict with yourself and tell yourself that you can’t worry until later. Preferably choose this worrying moment sometime during the day. Just before bedtime is not good for a good night’s sleep.

Winter depression

Many people feel extra lonely during the winter months. If you suffer from winter depression, it may be advisable to contact your doctor about this. Light therapy or medication can help in this case.

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