Previously Acquired Competencies, EVC during a job application

If the economy is not going well, many of us could end up on the street. You will receive unemployment benefits and are obliged to apply for a job so that you can get back to work quickly. However, the jobs are not there for the taking, so the question is how you can distinguish yourself from others. What is a EVC or Previously Acquired Competencies and why can it, in addition to your application letter, lead to a new job more quickly?

EVC, Previously Acquired Competencies when applying for a job

  • What is an EVC?
  • Provide sources
  • The process and EVC Knowledge Center
  • Previously Acquired Competencies Experience Certificate


What is an EVC?

EVC stands for Previously Acquired Competencies, which, as it were, corresponds to all your acquired knowledge and experience from the past. It is a list of what you have learned through training and courses, but also what your specific knowledge is within your work area. This makes it an important document with which you can demonstrate all achievements in addition to your CV. These achievements can apply to your employment history, but certain life activities and social affairs can also be a reason to include them in the piece. To this end, you must provide evidence, which will be assessed for value. All aspects of life can be included, so that the employer can form a clear picture of the true capabilities. These additional competencies can determine whether you get a job or not.

Provide sources

To demonstrate that you have certain competencies, you must provide documents. When it comes to training, it is clear that you can show a diploma. But what about other achievements? Many aspects of ordinary life can influence the composition of Previously Acquired Competencies.


With courses you often receive a certificate with which you can demonstrate that you have effectively absorbed the knowledge.


A reference is a statement from an old employer about your performance within your tasks. What was the quality of the work and within what time frame was it handled in a professional manner.

Personal events

Important events can occur, both at work and in social life. Imagine that there was a fire and you heroically and without hesitation saved people. People who like to tackle things and dare to make concrete decisions are valuable to employers. You can receive a certificate or ribbon for this and it will make an impression.

Testimonials of exceptional performance

It may be that you have had certain bold ideas with a board or old employer, which have effectively improved the organization or resulted in better and faster performance. Without your efforts this would never have been possible. This means that you will also be thanked for this through recognition of the special achievements.

Board activities or staff association

The interests of the staff must be properly represented and you have worked effectively to achieve this.

The process and EVC Knowledge Center

In order to effectively assess your competencies, all documents must be provided so that a complete life portfolio is drawn up on that basis. These documents are then submitted, after which an overall picture of you is obtained. The process of obtaining the correct assessment can take three months from start to finish. Contact the EVC Knowledge Center about how you can obtain your personal certificate.

Previously Acquired Competencies Experience Certificate

Once you have been assessed on the basis of your portfolio, the final assessment will be drawn up. The complete picture of all competencies together forms a well-defined assessment of how you have profiled yourself as a person in your regular life but also during your working life. Through striking events, decisions or knowledge acquisition, you can clearly leave your mark on a potential employer through the document. Enclose a copy of the certificate with your application letter and curriculum vitae so that you receive a favorable assessment. You can demonstrate that you have more to offer than just your education and work experience. Your competencies therefore exceed the total of all individual parts. Also record your experiences, events and knowledge in concrete terms, so that a better picture of your capabilities is formed. This increases your chances of getting a job faster by adding an EVC.

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