Good with energy!

It sounds so simple, dealing with energy well. Yet we are not always consistent in this. Enough initiatives and enough people who are starting it. Unfortunately, there are also relatively many people who cannot maintain the fanatical start and slowly but surely fall back into the old habit. Yet you don’t have to turn your world upside down to make a substantial contribution.

The car

Natural energy

We all know that if we leave the car at home for short trips, it makes a big difference to the environment. An excuse for those who have difficulty with this is the fact that it only works if many people do this. That is true, but consider who initiates it. Moreover, hiding behind the other person is rather childish and, finally, it can also be based on the position that everyone has their own responsibility.
It goes without saying that you can also take confidence in your own health. If you leave the car at home, you are more likely to cycle or walk, which is good for your body.

Still the car

If you do take the car, for example because of the distance and/or poor public transport, pay attention to your tire pressure. A neglected post for many and yet not unimportant. After all, good tire pressure allows the car to use less fuel, the tires also last longer and you are more pleasant/comfortable in the car.

House, garden and kitchen…

Another form of natural energy is also human heat in the literal sense. Use this well with the well-known items, such as:

  • An hour before going to sleep, the thermostat switches to night mode. Your body adapts automatically and if a light goes out, your body slides towards sleep mode. Also good for a good night’s sleep!
  • In the winter months, wear a nice cardigan or sweater, instead of walking around the house in a (t-)shirt. Warm feet also ensure that your body feels less cold.
  • No electric blankets, but it is good for a good night’s sleep to get into a fresh bed, and the body has enough heat to warm up quickly under the blankets or duvet. If you sleep together, it will also be extra fun!




It is sometimes said that water is the source of everything. Now just let that water come out of our tap. Yet we manage to buy bottled water as a matter of course. Although this may be useful in countries where drinking water is not as available in the Netherlands, it is absolutely not necessary here. Besides the fact that it is cheaper, you also prevent mountains of bottles from being made (and these bottles also have to reach their destination). If you compare bottled water to tap water, you arrive at a difference of around 300 x the amount of energy, not to mention the costs you have to incur less. Also good for the wallet.

To clean

We also need water for the washing machine and the dishwasher. Although we know it, many dishwashers and washing machines start with a partially full machine. It is more expensive because it uses an unnecessary amount of water and soap and it also consumes energy. Make optimal use of these types of devices. This has an effect on the environment and on your wallet.

Paper yes or no?

No paper in the office, feasible?

Unfortunately, the paperless office, which was introduced years ago, has not really been a success in many companies. Besides the fact that it has to do with the way of introduction, it is also difficult for some people to read a large part from the screen, for example. Moreover, 85% of humanity is not very change-oriented and if the introduction is not good (+ the guidance) most people fall back into the old habits.
Yet you can consider in a simpler and less drastic way that there are possibilities to produce less paper. Start by putting a note on your PC/laptop asking the question Do I need to print this? and then we assume that you take it seriously and really ask yourself whether it is necessary. In addition, you forward files and therefore do not use the copier or use it significantly less. Besides the fact that it is faster, you can also add a question about printing to such a message. Even if it is only to occasionally bring the other person face to face with the facts and to bring about some awareness.

The couch

A very simple one is to inform your bank that you no longer want paper statements. Everything is available digitally, so that paper goes in a folder that comes to light over time and is thrown away. When you think about it, you realize what nonsense it actually is.

To eat

We eat well, but the group of people who do not eat fish and/or meat is growing slightly. Yet we are still heavy meat eaters in the Netherlands. What we do not always know is that in this way we are contributing to deforestation in South America. Not eating meat one day a week makes a big difference. The thing is, Western Europe imports a lot of soy from South America. We use this soy for animal feed, but in South America forests are not being cut down responsibly to grow the same soy. Moreover, and this is a nice by-catch, a day without meat is good for the body and the wallet.


You don’t necessarily have to have a windmill in your backyard to make a difference. None of the previously mentioned issues are earth-shattering, but if we all take several of these issues seriously, a difference can be made. Moreover, and this is never a bad thing, it also saves your wallet.

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