The agreement is an agreement principle

How hard can it be, would be my first thought when reading this headline. Yet it all turns out to be a little more difficult and less obvious than what your first thoughts suggest. Business and private matters often become mixed up when it comes to the ‘agreement is an agreement’ principle and that is also sometimes experienced as difficult. What is the importance of an agreement is an agreement?

Appointment = Appointment, business and also private?


The agreement is an agreement principle is something that you can extend everywhere, but in particular it is used quite a lot in business. That’s fine if it is of paramount importance to you, but then it must also be reflected in your core values and any staff must breathe it. Otherwise, a core value is an empty concept and only fun from a marketing point of view. An agreement is an agreement must then be implemented at all layers, because not only the people on the work floor must act in accordance with the core values, but the management layer(s) must set a good example.

Implementing the principle integrally is only possible if you implement it internally and externally. So both internal agreements between colleagues and agreements with external parties and customers must be handled in this clear manner. Only then will you create clarity and be able to promote it and benefit from it. You only want to work with parties that also act according to the agreement as agreed principle. Clarity in everything you discuss or record with each other.


If you replace the words for the business part and use the meaning of the text separately, you will actually see that it can also be a blueprint for a private situation. Whether this is the home situation with a partner and/or children or your volunteer work at the sports club or the local singing club where you sing or conduct. The clarity (and living according to it) that the deal is a deal principle provides is always good.

When and when not?

For quite a few people, making agreements that must also be adhered to must take place in a business environment, while in the private sphere the principle is applied much more flexibly. If you ask people, it seems as if it is perceived as less important. A frequently used statement is that it takes the spontaneity out of the private situation, but the principle is not there to pin you down or to provide clarity (the condition is, of course, that you adhere to it).

After all, for example, the man or woman who does not want to decide long in advance whether he/she is going to a party, can also make an agreement that he/she will never decide in advance whether he/she will go. The receiving party then knows that if he/she asks just before the party whether the person is coming, he/she can receive both a yes or a no. No discussion about the lateness or indignant friends.
But also the man or woman who is always late, if you agree that the time you set should have a margin of, for example, 15 minutes, that is also an agreement. What matters is that you can be clear to each other. That doesn’t create false expectations, disappointments or people who end up getting angry with each other.

Communicate and respect

Adequate communication is often what is missing in relationships and by being clear to each other (otherwise the principle will not work) and adhering to it, you create a basis on which you can differ in opinion. You can have a different approach to life, but ultimately it forms a basis of respect. You don’t just get respect, you earn it and the reliability of the person will play an important role in this.

Not at all…

No matter how clear you are in your agreement, it is a agreement principle, but if you are cornered for whatever reason, you may be in danger of throwing those rules overboard. You show your strength by holding on to the clarity that you always provide through the agreement is an agreement principle. This could also mean that you have to bare your buttocks for something, so as not to undermine your own rule. No matter how difficult it may be, it ultimately strengthens you as a person.


It is not always easy, but if you go for it, people will ultimately respect this. However, it is important that you consider for yourself whether you still want to deal with or do business with anyone who applies this rule less strictly. There is a chance that it will take revenge, but you have to take that into account if you continue to do business with such a person.
Go wi th the flow is often said, but always from an honest basic starting point!

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