Work or passion?

Are you lucky that your work is your passion or do you drag yourself to work every day? Is it wise to combine your passion with your work or are there any pitfalls to this? Can you actually find ultimate happiness in your nine to five job?

What is your passion?

Are you very passionate about something? This means that, for example, you have a hobby that you spend hours on every day. A passion is something that makes your heart beat faster. A passion could be writing short stories. If your passion is language, you can make it work in one way or another. This does not always mean that you will only be successful once you have written a bestseller. You can also practice your passion while writing for the club magazine or writing articles for your blog or for an article database. Another example is to combine your passion with part-time study. You could even share your passion with students later in life. If you obtain a teaching certificate, you have the opportunity to stand in front of the classroom and inspire others. In any case, it is important that you are clear about what your passions are.

Your passion as work: is this possible?

If you interpret your passion broadly, there is a good chance that you will be able to turn your passion into a job in one way or another in the long term. If tinkering with cars or motorcycles is your passion, there is a good chance that you will also be happy in a mechanical engineering job or as a designer. If you enjoy working with art, you can also think in terms of providing occupational therapy or working as a manual labor teacher. If you really want to, you can gradually incorporate more and more aspects of your passion into your work. If this is not possible in your daily (paid) work, you can always consider volunteering a few hours a week where you make use of your passion.

When your passion becomes your job

Some people think it is heaven on earth if your passion eventually becomes your job. Yet this often leads to disappointment. If there is pressure on your work because you have to earn a living, it can be incredibly stressful. This is one of the disappointing aspects of entrepreneurs who have turned their passion into their job. Painting for a few hours a day is fun if you don’t necessarily have to sell anything. If you have to go to markets every weekend and peddle to galleries and customers, the fun may quickly disappear. Orient yourself and talk to experienced experts. Make sure you take a realistic look at your life before you embark on your entrepreneurial adventure. Ask yourself, ,Am I going to continue to enjoy this day after day, year after year?,

Happy in a regular job: is this possible?

To feel fulfilled, it is important to do the right things with attention. Rushing through things does not bring you any closer to the desired feeling of happiness. Even if you have a ,normal, job from nine to five, you can still be happy with it. It is important to go all the way for it. Just do your very best! Delivering the best possible work performance with the time and resources available to you is a challenge. If you go home in the evening with a satisfied feeling because you have gotten everything out of it, you are closer to a feeling of happiness than someone who grumbles all day. Happiness often lies in the little things. Place your feelings of happiness within yourself. You can influence that. Your environment is considerably more difficult to bend.

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