Top ten reasons for divorce

In recent years, one in three marriages ends in divorce. Nowadays there is less dependence on each other, so it becomes easier to separate. In the distant past, there was a taboo on divorce. People were married and always stayed together. Even if things really didn’t work out, they still stayed together. Financial motives played an important role in this. Fortunately, times have changed and people are choosing for themselves again. However, this also has a downside. Partners are now more likely to decide to leave each other, with all the consequences that entails. Below you will find the top ten reasons, with a brief explanation.

Number 1: Clashing characters

In the first months of a relationship, lovers still look through rose-colored glasses. Ultimately, the bad qualities of the character of both play an increasingly important role. If it turns out that the characters are too different from each other, the relationship has no chance of success.

Number 2: One of the partners has found another

The quality of the relationship often also plays an important role. Partners who are satisfied with their partner are less likely to choose to have an affair.

Number 3: Partners are bored with each other

Marriage partners have the prospect of staying together for the rest of their lives. As soon as a situation arises where one of the two is bored with the other, it will become difficult to shape the future together.

Number 4: Incompatible future plans

There are always differences of opinion on certain matters, but some matters are so important that the partners must be on the same page. For example, you can think of a desire to have children, or the wish of one of the two to live abroad. In these types of matters, partners cannot make concessions.

Number 5: Health problems

This is a difficult situation. When one of the partners has become seriously ill, it is very cowardly to break the marriage because of this. The leaving partner obviously has several reasons, but it remains difficult to explain.

Number 6: Money worries

Money is a topic that causes many arguments within relationships. This certainly applies if there is not much of it present. In a marriage, both partners must agree on how to spend the money. Money worries put a lot of pressure on a relationship.

Number 7: Sexual problems

Dissatisfaction with sex life can be a reason to break up a marriage. The problems may start with sex life, but eventually more problems will arise from this.

Number 8: Family and the children

In-laws are often a difficult subject. The in-law has less understanding for the habits and inconveniences of the partner’s family. Their own children can also put a lot of pressure on the marriage.

Number 9: Desire for children that is not shared

A desire to have children cannot be ignored. A marriage where there is a difference of opinion about this has no chance of success. Those who do not want children may find it difficult to agree to this. This applies even more to the partner who wishes to have children.

Number 10: Social and cultural differences

The differences between the various cultures can be very large. The marriage partners often do not realize that these differences will always remain. The differences in faith and in life in general can be too great.

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