Relax through a different lifestyle

Seeking and finding relaxation in our busy life is a magic word. We are busy, we have to do so much (especially from ourselves) and that is only possible if we find the balance in relaxation. But that balance is usually not there. See the growing number of people with burn out, alcoholism, other drugs or people who completely quit their lives. Your body and mind give up or you seek refuge in something that calms you down.

Peace in your mind

You obviously won’t get peace of mind by escaping into alcohol, but it is the order of the day. Looking for relaxation that can offer you that important life balance is essential to grow old in a healthy way and not burn out. Of course, this goes hand in hand with good nutrition that contains all the necessary substances and sufficient sleep to recover.

Relaxation can be achieved in various ways , but an hour of football in the hall, a game of tennis or an hour of spinning is not enough. Relaxation that gives you life balance is woven into your entire life and that makes it a way of life. Major moments of stress at work or in private life can then be dealt with and you no longer turn a blind eye to catching a cold.


Relaxation is, as mentioned, the magic word, but that does not mean that you have woven it into your often busy life. There are various ways to achieve this relaxation. Two ways are described below that can bring about balance.

Yoga as a way of life

When we think about yoga, we actually only think about those exercises that we sometimes find very difficult. But yoga is more than that. It actually starts with not being too hard on yourself, but being consistent. If you start something to make that change, you have to give it a chance to achieve that balance.

It starts with good breathing and we all know that from the yo ga exercises, but good breathing is no more or less than letting your body work in a healthy way. Good breathing ensures that your organs receive enough oxygen, that you feel more vital and that your body can fully do its work.
Deep inhalation through the nose, flattening your diaphragm and giving your lungs room to fill with oxygen. Breathe out very slowly and repeat this conscious breathing a few times. Do this several times every day in a very conscious way. Slowly but surely you will see that it becomes second nature.
But what matters is that your head and body come into balance and through the exercises you consciously work with your body and you feel everything well. The fact that it also makes your body flexible is extra pleasant and the combination ensures that your body and mind are attuned to each other. The process of consciousness is actually the first, but very important step.

Two exercises that help you relax. Cat Start by getting down on your hands and knees. Your hands are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. Roll your shoulders back, as it were, and with a deep inhale, gently lift your chin and tailbone. When you exhale, draw your navel in and your chin goes to your chest. Slowly pull your tailbone back in and hold your exhalation for a moment. Repeat this exercise five times.

Lie on your back and place the soles of your feet together and your hands on your thighs, you are now making the Lying Butterfly. Press lightly and let your legs relax in this position. Your shoulders should rest well under your body. Feel all the points where your body touches the ground and let these points (shoulders, upper back, hips, buttocks, legs, etc.) slowly do the work of gravity. Feel yourself sink into the heaviness of your body and close your eyes. Relax and feel your body touching the ground more and more.

To get up with vitality again, it is good to stand and place your feet hip-width apart on the floor. Let your arms that hang along your body slowly rise until they are exactly above your head and the movement includes your inhalation. This way you fill your lungs in a nice, relaxed way and feel the inhaled oxygen flowing through your body as you exhale. As you exhale, the arms lower again. Repeat this exercise a few times and feel how vital you feel after this exercise.

Put it in a playful way

Playing through your life sounds so simple, but in fact it is. We are all so interesting about our jobs, especially in business terms. It gives prestige and status, but you are actually doing something that you are good at, for which you get paid because it benefits someone else. You can use that money to buy other things to stay alive. The game is actually nothing more than that and so you may wonder what the added value of that status and prestige is.
What is indicated here is actually nothing more than looking at your busy work in a simple (perhaps childish) way. More relativally, because you work to live and that life is what matters. What do you charge (except in the literal sense your heart), what are you passionate about, because do you think it is really important in life, etc. It is a given
that you need money for the really important things in life . But if you can put your work into perspective, you are also more likely to allow the counterpart into life. Exercising, exercising in general, playing games, doing crafts or being out in the green, it’s just what you find pleasant to balance your busy business life.

Being able to put things into perspective has now been shown to be an important factor in relaxation and balance in your life. Don’t worry about what someone else thinks of you, but do what feels good. So listen to your body. This way you can handle a stressful moment more easily.


Honestly, it’s simple, but we’re making it harder than it is. Driven by the environment or the craziness we allow. Putting things into perspective and really feeling our bodies can be the beginning of balance. A first step towards what it is really all about

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