The Secret: Your wish is my command

You will find the book on all bestseller lists in the world and even in the most average bookstore the beautiful cover of ,The Secret, smiles invitingly at you.

Your wish is my command

,The Secret,, the book by author Rhonda Byrne with several American success gurus as co-authors, has now been bought and, we may assume, read by millions of people all over the world. The DVD with the same title is also selling like hot cakes.

What’s the Secret?

A hype? A gigantic marketing stunt? Or the absolute path to happiness and abundance? For those who apply the recommendations in the book in their daily lives, all gates to prosperity, success, abundance and happiness appear to open. The true secret, The Secret, would be the ,Law of Attraction,, the law of attraction in the form of the universal energy that is present in everything and everyone. The trick is to

carefully write down everything you want to see realized in your life in concrete objectives, of which you create a picture in your mind. You should visualize these wishful images every day in a meditative state as if they have already become reality. The law of attraction then inevitably ensures the realization of all your wishes in your life. Your ,wishes, thus become the ,commands, to the universe.

What few know is that author Rhonda Byrne based the writing of The Secret on a hundred year old book by a certain Wallace Wattles ,The Secret of Getting Rich,, which she received as a gift from her daughter at a time when her life was in a was a mess. The principles from this book have led to the current world success of ,The Secret,.

How to use The Secret?

Follow the following steps daily and your life should take a spectacular turn for the better personally, professionally, and financially. Please note, you must be absolutely sure what you want to attract into your life and focus solely on that:

  1. Every morning and evening, visualize your goals and desires and FEEL as if they have already been realized.
  2. Create a vision board or dream book with pictures and images of everything you wish to attract into your life.
  3. IMMEDIATELY turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts and focus again and again on what you really want.
  4. Every morning, cultivate an attitude of GRATITUDE for everything beautiful and valuable in your current existence.
  5. Take action with inspired action through a step-by-step plan of all your goals and follow your intuition.
  6. Continually affirm that the Law of Attraction is working in your life by recording small victories as small steps that will ultimately lead you to greater prosperity, success and happiness in your life.

… Or read ,The Secret, and watch the DVD… After all, you will never know if it works until you decide to try it out. In the words of Henry Ford: ,Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re always right,… Because thoughts become things!

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