Make follow-up appointments run smoothly

You’ve already gone out with the lady of your dreams. Everything went smoothly so the first date now becomes the second date. How do you ensure that the lady in question still wants to continue seeing you?

No gift

Please don’t buy anything for your date. Provide a nice evening, that is worth much more. So please no flowers. Then the date immediately feels uncomfortable and tense. It then seems as if you immediately propose marriage even though you barely know someone. That is certainly out of date. In addition, the woman of your dreams may feel pressured. Maybe she thinks she has to give something in return for the gift, which may or may not be too expensive. However, this cannot be forced. The magic of the evening is then gone. Also don’t buy things that are very taste-dependent. So don’t come up with a necklace. There is a good chance that it is not exactly to her taste. In addition, she will probably feel uncomfortable with such a gift that she perceives as intimate.

Give subtle compliments

Compliment her on her looks and her personality. Keep it subtle, though. This is to prevent you from appearing desperate. Spread a maximum of three sincere compliments throughout the evening. Otherwise, she might doubt your sincerity.

Create a relaxed atmosphere

What is especially important is that the evening goes smoothly. You don’t have to surprise her with how good you are. Don’t try to impress her with money, athletic achievements or career. Don’t brag. If you are really that special, she will find out. Create a relaxed atmosphere. Make a lot of sincere jokes and smile a lot. Show interest in her inner feelings. Do not undertake extreme activities. Just stick to a relaxing snack and drink at a not too exotic restaurant.

Let everything run smoothly

Don’t leave your date in the dark about the evening’s activities. Then she at least feels like she has a say. If you are planning to eat, please inquire whether the restaurant of your choice suits your taste. Tell her what the intention is. Most of us don’t like too many surprises. Arrange transportation so she doesn’t have to search. Confirm your reservations at the restaurant in time.

The restaurant

Go to an event where your date feels comfortable. So don’t go to a Michelin star restaurant if you know she would normally never go there. The chance of her feeling uncomfortable is far too great. Also make sure that if you want to go for a fancy meal, your date knows this. Most women hate being ,underdressed,.

Kissing: yes or no

Don’t ask her out of hand if she wants to be kissed. Calmly approach each other. She shows herself whether or not she likes this. Gently give her a soft kiss. Start on her cheek or neck first. If you think she feels comfortable with this, you can kiss her on the mouth. Tell her she’s attractive. An appropriate compliment is that she smells nice or that she kisses nice.

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