ASMR, a new finding in science?

Recently, research has been examining the phenomenon of ASMR, also known as Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. This new term has only recently become known to people and research is still in its infancy. ASMR is discussed as much as possible in this article. What does ASMR mean? Is it safe? Facts, facts and other things that have emerged from research or experiences of people themselves so far are presented. The article concludes with a number of tips to experience ASMR yourself.

What is ASMR?

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a physical sensation characterized by a pleasant tingling sensation. This feeling occurs, among other things, when you see a certain video or the feeling you get when someone touches you in a certain way, such as having your hair brushed. In addition to these two examples, there are many more external ‘triggers’ that can cause you to experience a so-called ASMR. But internal triggers can also cause someone to experience ASMR. These are characterized by certain thoughts or thought patterns that belong specifically to someone.

Research, so far

So far, a lot has been discovered about how ASMR is caused, when and in what situations people can experience ASMR. In addition, it is somewhat explainable how ASMR is experienced. It also appears that some people cannot experience ASMR, while others are very sensitive to it. Yet, as mentioned earlier, ASMR is still in its infancy in terms of research. There is still a lot to research in this area.

Research, for the future

It is clear that more needs to be known about ASMR. The precise functioning of the brain with regard to ASMR needs further investigation. This can be done by taking fMRI scans or performing transcranial magnetic stimulation among people who experience ASMR compared to people who do not. Answers to certain questions must be found. Is ASMR useful for people suffering from certain conditions, such as depression or anxiety disorders? If so, you may consider including this in the therapies given to these types of people. Isn’t it addictive? And isn’t (an excess of) ASMR harmful to humans? This is perhaps the most important question that needs to be answered before further research into ASMR is conducted.

Tips to experience ASMR yourself!

  • Look for soothing videos on a video channel like YouTube. If you search for the term ASMR in the search bar you will find plenty
  • Videos of beauty or hairdressing treatments can also induce ASMR
  • Going to the hairdresser yourself is of course also an idea, but if you don’t have the time, money or inclination, you can always ask someone (a friend, your mother, your partner) to brush your hair.
  • Touches to the head or back can also cause ASMR. Ask your partner for a massage or buy a Spin head massage
  • Art can also induce ASMR in some people. Visit a museum!
  • View photos on the internet that give you a feel-good feeling. A site that offers many beautiful photos is Pinterest
  • Listen to music! You probably know the feeling that you can’t get enough of some songs

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