The unwritten rules of online dating: nice to know!

What are the unwritten rules of online dating? Is it wise to present yourself as more beautiful than you are? To present yourself in a targeted manner and increase your chance of a serious match, here are a number of guidelines.

The photo

Use a recent, flattering photo that gives an honest impression of you. Be careful with photos for official documents (such as a passport or identity card). These photos are intended to capture the characteristic features of your face. These aren’t always the most flattering photos. The idea is to post an image of yourself that presents a positive impression of you. Feel free to look your Easter best. Maybe you can ask your hairdresser which hairstyle flatters your face the most. Go to a good photographer in your town or city and find out what the costs are for a nice portrait photo. You can then use that for the internet. You can then immediately kill several birds with one stone. You can then give your parents or grandparents a print of that beautiful photo as a gift. Then they immediately have a nice ,fresh, photo of you for the dresser. You can also use this photo for business contacts on Linked-in and on other, more socially intended social networking sites.

Honesty is the best policy

Give a realistic presentation of yourself. It is a waste of time and energy if reality is disappointing during a ,live, meeting. Then you agree for nothing. If you just remain yourself and present yourself that way, you will find the partner who really suits you. Most people really haven’t lost their minds. Just present yourself.

Avoid complaining

Don’t fall into the trap of complaining about previous partners or dates. Partners who are resentful are not well liked. Just pay attention to the here and now. You are now looking for a nice partner. If you are consumed by hatred or have not yet come to terms with your previous relationship, it is better to take a pause. It’s about the one you are looking for NOW. He cannot do anything about previous events. Leave the past behind you and make a new start with a new partner. You can always have bad experiences. However, most people are in good faith. Don’t get bitter if you don’t get many responses to your application. There are more privateers on the coast. This does not say anything about you, but more about the offer. Persevere.

Find realistic partners

If you are approaching fifty, it is not realistic that a beautiful twenty-year-old person will be interested in you. If you expect this, you are very easy prey for people with less good intentions. Even if your income is generous, don’t hesitate. You only attract gold diggers. Research shows that relationships among like-minded people have the best chance of success. So look for someone in your own age category, with a similar socio-cultural background and the same level of education. Then you can have a real conversation and empathize with your partner’s daily life.

The appearance

Don’t just rely on appearance. Even if you manage to start a relationship with someone who is much more attractive than you, there is a good chance that this relationship will not last long. There is also a greater chance that jealousy will come into play. If you have approximately the same attraction and have a lot of fun together, the relationship has the best chance of success.

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