Pitfalls in a long-term relationship: attention is the key!

Your partner has the idea that you are growing more and more apart. What are the pitfalls in a long-term relationship and what are the general relationship tips to maintain a long-term relationship? Relationship problems often arise from a lack of attention for each other. If you receive signals from your partner that he thinks the relationship is bad, you should do everything you can to improve the relationship.

One of the most important relationship tips: pay attention

You don’t have to follow your girlfriend/partner all the time, but an hour of quality time every evening is the minimum. Don’t sit behind the computer or game console every evening immediately after dinner. This is actually one of the most important relationship tips: show genuine attention. Ask her how her day was and give her genuine attention. Even though she is not working and is sitting at home unemployed, she still feels the need to talk about her thoughts and experiences. If you are so tired in the evening that you can no longer show genuine interest in your partner, then you are doing something wrong.

Improving relationships: talking about your work

You must have important work. However, try talking about something other than work at home. Talk about common interests or friends. Find out how her parents are doing. Visit friends and family together. Spread your energy a bit throughout the day. If you sit on the couch in the evening feeling bitter, you are not a good partner. For example, try making time during the week for a lunch date or lunch walk if you work in the same city. When you were still in love, a lot was possible and you were willing to do the craziest things just to see her! Improving a relationship has to come from both sides. Go out for dinner every two weeks on Wednesday after work. Then you show that you are definitely thinking about her and are not just busy with your work. You can also replace eating out with a concert, a movie, etc. If you already have children, arrange for a babysitter. Then she will be completely out of it!

Saving a relationship: save the weekends for the two of you

Many men work all week. Then some are also members of a sport where competition is played on the weekend. Think carefully about what you find more important: saving your relationship or moving up in the competition. Don’t be away all weekend. Also take time for the other person.

Helping others

A number of handy men also have a knack for helping everyone around, leaving no time for their own partner. For example, if you are good with computers, clearly agree on what is still acceptable. Don’t invite everyone to your home who has a problem. Help others a maximum of two evenings a week. Your own partner also needs attention.


Be careful not to sound too desperate. Show your partner that you can also keep yourself busy. Go out with friends. Go to the gym and connect with other people. If you have independence, you radiate this. Don’t give her the idea that she’s only interesting if you want something from her. Give her space to watch a TV series at her leisure. Every person needs a moment for themselves once in a while.

Your looks: pretend you’re going on a date

Invest in yourself. Go to the hairdresser, buy some new clothes and find a nice scent. Be yourself and don’t let the change be too extreme. She didn’t fall for you for nothing. Just pay attention to your appearance again. Most women also find shoes very important. Buy a pair of nice, sturdy shoes of good quality.
Women spend a lot of time and effort on their own shoes. Her gaze will therefore quickly fall on your subjects. Think back to when you were first dating . You probably made more of an effort to look attractive back then. When you go out together, you shower again, put on clean clothes and shave again. Use your new fragrance. Most women appreciate it when you make the effort to look attractive.

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