Effectiveness of advertising

Advertising is something that everyone is confronted with. It has become an indispensable part of our lives. Going outside without being influenced by everyday advertising messages is no longer possible. It infiltrates your home through the radio, television, newspaper… Here we discuss how that advertising affects you and through what forms.

Effectiveness of TV advertising

The main form of advertising is television. Nowadays you can’t watch a channel without coming into contact with advertisements. They appear in films, soap operas, etc. But what is their effect on consumer purchasing behavior ? This effect often depends on the market situation. When a well-known company advertises a new product or service, its sales figures will generally skyrocket. But its name and product awareness will be virtually unchanged because it is already high. When a start-up company uses TV advertising, its brand awareness will increase. His product will also be known among viewers, but the sales figures will not change much.

But factors such as quality and repetition are also important. High-quality advertising, such as commercials with famous faces such as George Clooney, will have a much greater effect on sales figures. If an advertisement is no longer broadcast, a problem arises. Then that advertisement is forgotten, along with the brand name. This phenomenon weighs most heavily on lesser-known companies. TV advertising has the biggest advantage because people hear and see things. This helps the viewer remember a particular advertisement.

Effectiveness of advertising music

The use of music in advertising messages helps convey a message. Today, the average Belgian is exposed to countless advertising messages on television, radio, mobile phone, internet, etc. It is therefore not surprising that many of these messages go unnoticed by consumers. Due to the large influx of advertising messages, most are forgotten. It will be a challenge for producers of goods and services to be original with their product or service so that it remains in the minds of consumers. Using music is the best solution for this.

Music that has a specific connection with the product or service is desirable. If you look around you, you can easily see the influence of a good song or piece of music. People start laughing and dancing, the music gets louder… So if one can find a popular piece of music that relates to the product or service, the consumer is more likely to remember the ad. If the advertising message sticks, then the chance that people will purchase the product or service is in turn greater.

Advertising music can also provide information about the product or service. Characteristics can be passed on to the consumer through certain verses sung by the singer . Just think of the song Dont stop me now by Queen, used to promote the Opel Spot. The drivers in the commercial were so absorbed in driving that it was a shame for them to stop the car.

Music also largely determines the atmosphere in an advertisement. We distinguish two types of music in advertising, foreground music and background music. The foreground music in an advertisement is where the music focuses full attention . Background music, on the other hand, supports the presentation of the product. Just think of fast music in car commercials or the slower, warmer music when trying to sell perfume. The fast music is more likely to appeal to men, while the more sultry music will appeal to women. So music is certainly an important factor when it comes to advertising. Music makes it more pleasant to watch a commercial on television or listen to it on the radio.

Efficacy of advertising on the Internet

The internet has repeatedly proven its usefulness in our society. Everything can be found, shared and used much faster. The advertising world likes to take advantage of this.

Watching videos on the Internet in particular has become very popular among everyday Internet users. A new trend comes with this new popularity. Anyone who watches videos today will most likely come across pre-rolls. Pre-rolls are commercials shown at the beginning of a requested video. A study conducted by the research agency MetrixLab shows that 74% of these advertisements are watched until the end. This mainly has to do with the duration and content of the advertising. Research also shows that viewers view this type of advertising as a kind of medium of exchange. In exchange for a short message about a certain good or service, one receives the video afterwards. It also works much more effectively than a commercial break on television. While such a commercial break lasts seven minutes or more, the playing time of a pre-roll is pleasantly short. In general, people are more likely to watch a shorter message than a long commercial break.

The pre-roll is a new phenomenon in the advertising world, but it has already proven its usefulness and will continue to do so in the future.

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