Retirement activities: what are you going to do in retirement?

After much deliberation, the retirement age will gradually be increased to 67 years. This has to do with the fact that we are getting older and the ratio to the number of workers is therefore becoming less favorable. To keep it affordable, we have to work longer. But once you reach that age, what retirement activities will you do?

Retirement activities

  • Prevent death
  • Acclimatize
  • Replacement pension activities
  • See something of the world


Prevent death

How often do you come across it? You have worked, toiled and stressed for a lifetime and now retirement is finally approaching. But it turns out that before you can fully enjoy it, you fall down. The body has been exposed to a certain amount of adrenaline and stress for a long time, after which a total standstill leads to potential death. It sounds contradictory, but rest is something you cannot tolerate and that is why you can die from a heart attack, for example. Obviously this is the most extreme case, but it does require some thinking just before you can actually retire. So before you retire you must take the following two principles into account:

  • on the one hand, the body must be given sufficient time to acclimatize to the new conditions;
  • on the other hand, you have to prepare yourself for replacement activities.



The body must get used to a future situation in which a lot of rest is required. To prevent the body from going into withdrawal, as it were. It is important to think about how the body can be helped well before retirement age. Within daily work, this may mean that:

  • there are other activities to be done within the work. This may mean a change in tasks, such as training newcomers instead of rolling up their sleeves themselves;
  • fewer hours are worked per week for a number of years.

In addition, it is beneficial to start thinking about what to do in retirement.

Replacement pension activities

It is also very important to think in time about how your free time will be spent. The body must be able to undertake other activities that can be carried out in addition to the pension. It means that you have to be busy with hobbies and filling time before the last day of work. Once you reach retirement age, you can simply invest more time in those hobbies so that you can pass the time.

See something of the world

The first years of retirement are the most active. You often actively travel, so that you can see something of the world. These can be long-distance journeys, but you can also travel for a long time with the camper. These distractions are ideal for getting the body used to the new circumstances, so that the body is rested during activities. Fun and entertainment in the form of holidays and travel are optimal substitutes for normal work. The starting point is of course that you are busy and remain working. This way, in addition to doing hobbies, exercising and going on holiday, you can be and remain busy, so that you can fully enjoy retirement activities.

read more

  • Good pension: is your pension well arranged?
  • Working longer for your pension, how long do you have to continue working?
  • Benefits of working after retirement age

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