Introduction of a mandatory integrity test by the government

There are more and more reports in the media that the introduction of a mandatory integrity test for civil servants, politicians, bailiffs, accountants, notaries, lawyers or bankers is urgently needed. The attention in the media that publicizes the actions of civil servants, politicians, bailiffs, curators, administrators, accountants, notaries, lawyers or bankers does not generally focus on the integrity of the person concerned. Due to very little attention that the honesty of the civil servant, bailiff, curator, administrator, accountant, notary, lawyer or banker receives in the media, the civil servant, bailiff, curator, administrator, accountant, notary, lawyer or banker is also made to feel more and more aware of the way in which they influence third parties and how they can (un)knowingly and financially undermine them quite easily. The integrity of the government, its employees and other public functions is regularly in the publicity.


According to the media and the relevant professional organizations, the development of the conscience of the civil servant, bailiff, curator, administrator, accountant, notary, lawyer or banker is mature after their theoretical and practical training. However, the (professional) knowledge of many professional groups must be updated annually by attending training courses and meetings.


In practice, civil servants, politicians, bailiffs, curators, administrators, accountants, notaries, lawyers or bankers can use the knowledge they have acquired in the field of incorrect declaration/invoicing even more to continue experimenting with manipulative behavior. . According to the media, experimenting with incorrect declarations/invoicing and newly acquired insights has proven to be very common for civil servants, politicians, bailiffs, curators, administrators, accountants, notaries, lawyers or bankers.


By making consumers aware that money can only be spent once, civil servants, politicians, bailiffs, curators, administrators, accountants, notaries, lawyers or bankers may develop just the right level of alertness. The alertness that consumers receive through media attention to abuses in declaration/invoicing behavior encourages consumers to more critically assess the information received and therefore increasingly try to handle money better and more consciously.
In fact, the practice of acting with integrity works just like therapy for psychopaths. Perhaps it is far-fetched, but then we will have to find another explanation for the fact that incorrect invoicing behavior, despite all (legal) rules and regulations, leads to more media attention. It is also possible to watch and choose more and more TV programs on this subject that are not decreasing, but rather increasing.

Own financial weight

The fact that there is an increase in media attention for wrong actions is evident from a simple study in media publications into incorrect invoicing/activities/indecent behavior by civil servants, politicians, bailiffs, curators, administrators, accountants, notaries, lawyers or bankers. Publications and media attention show that personal financial gain is more important than acting honestly and, despite all the attention, it has only become worse in recent years among civil servants, politicians, bailiffs, curators, administrators, accountants, notaries, lawyers or bankers. Is the lack of integrity by a civil servant, politician, bailiff, curator, administrator, accountant, notary, lawyer or banker increasing despite all the attention, or perhaps a little because of it?

Information from shows that there are more and more people and companies who blindly and unseen pay the declarations/invoices of (non-existent) companies. It is probably no different when receiving an invoice/declaration from a reliable civil servant, politician, bailiff, curator, administrator, accountant, notary, lawyer or banker. The professional organizations of civil servants, politicians, bailiffs, curators, administrators, accountants, notaries, lawyers or bankers are paying increasing attention internally to what acting with integrity within the professional association should mean for its members and what the sanctions are if this act is reported in the media. discussion.

The annual report of the National Ombudsman also pays more and more attention to the way in which the government has carried out its work in the eyes of the citizen.

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  • Rules are rules and without them there are no rules

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