Paradise through out-of-body experience

Marie-Thérèse Lips studied French and Psychology. Through ‘out-of-body experiences’ she comes into contact with strange beings and visits distant places. She writes down her experiences in the book: ‘Our future, another earth.’

What is disengagement?

You leave your body when your spiritual body separates from your physical body. However, with your mind you remain connected to your physical body by a silver cord. This silver cord is permanently broken when you die. Once you have left your physical body, you are able to travel in time, that is, you can go to the past, the present or the future. For example, if you want to see yourself in the Middle Ages, you will encounter yourself in the time of the Middle Ages, so you will learn something new.

Can anyone leave?

Everyone has it in them, but not everyone likes to step out. Those who want it will read something about it first. If you have any idea what to expect, you can start with the following exercise: Always start with a short prayer for protection. Then turn your attention to your head, as it were, push the heavy energy to the outside of your skull. There is now light in the space created in the center of your head, this light is from your spiritual body. Now do the same with your chest and then with your abdominal cavity. Feel your spiritual body in the three ‘illuminated’ rooms. When you are one with your spiritual body you try to go out of your body. After half a meter of disembodiment you can already observe your own body. Imagine! Write down every experience, no matter how small.

A transparent spiritual body

During an out-of-body experience, Marie-Hélène ends up in another solar system. She sees a strange planet where all energy revolves around and through each other in oval-shaped movements. Wherever she is on this planet, the temperature is constant. As she watches, a being in a transparent spiritual body of sky-blue color comes flying and welcomes her. He turns out to be the planetary president of the planet. He says the planet is the renewed Earth in the fourth dimension. In this piece of paradise, people who have died can continue to evolve.

A community of the planet

Marie-Thérèse is taken from the planet to a community by the president. Every person radiates a different color. When their feelings change, the colors also change. They move floating over the ground. The communities consist of at least 25 people. People communicate telepathically with each other. (telepathy = thought transfer) When asked by Marie-Hélène how the temperature remains constant, she answers that the residents constantly feed each other energetically. This also applies to animals, plants and minerals. Everything and everyone gives and receives energy so that there is always balance. If the energy is constant, the temperature is also constant. And the energy is positive, so the weather is always calm, pleasant with a refreshing breeze. Because everyone has a spiritual body, there is no death.

Divine love has the most radiant intention

It is noticeable that the people on the planet have different radiation intentions. Although they all look like 35 year olds, there is still a difference. The secret lies in the fact that one person can give more love than the other. Those who can most allow divine love into themselves can give the most love and will also shine the most. And yet one learns to become even more loving. They do this by opening themselves up more to divine love and passing it on. Giving means receiving. Everyone is aware of that.

Creating a home through the power of thought

On the planet, every person owns their own house. They create their homes by their power of thought. They use their creative powers with pleasure. There is abundance everywhere. ‘Work’ does not exist because everything is done with joy from the heart. They don’t have to save because they can create whatever they need at any time. Creating to enjoy pure beauty is richly satisfying. Hence the great variety of shape and color on the planet. However, priority is given to mental development, content comes before form.

A library bounded by a transparent color of energy

The library is a large, high space, open at the top, bordered on the sides by a transparent terracotta color energy. If you want to know something, you go to a department, you sit down, you open your heart and you connect your heart with the heart of the subject you want to know about. Receiving knowledge directly through your heart is the custom here. You can also interact directly with a living flower you see. Then you experience what a flower feels, how it thinks and what it likes. Do the same with water: connect with water, become one with the essence of water. Such an experience goes beyond understanding a book.

Think from your heart

Marie-Hélène’s guide explains to her the difference between thinking with your mind and thinking from your heart. Thinking with the mind can be compared to the rays of a lighthouse. The beams go in all directions, but the range is limited. Thoughts from the heart have infinite scope and tremendous impact. Their vibration frequency is very high. These rays can be compared to the sun’s rays vibrating on the universal waves of love.

How can you practice Christ consciousness?

You practice staying in Christ consciousness by feeling, thinking, looking, listening, speaking, acting from your divine core, through your heart, purely from your love.

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