Success or failure

Neurologists have made groundbreaking discoveries regarding the functioning of the human brain. For example, it has recently been discovered that each individual’s thought process is as unique as a fingerprint. Within the thought process are contained the gifts, talents, and abilities of a person. If the thought process runs smoothly, this will be manifested in a successful life. However, if there are obstacles in the way within the thought process, the individual will miss his life purpose.

The brain consists of seven areas

The brain can be divided into seven areas that all have to do with processing information:

  1. the interpersonal (thinking deeply, making decisions, looking inward)
  2. communicating,
  3. logical thinking,
  4. moving,
  5. the musical,
  6. the intuition,
  7. seeing images.


The thought process

When recording and processing information, humans go through these 7 stages. Everyone’s thinking process starts in the first area; this opens the door to receive the information. After that, the combinations of the remaining areas will vary per person. The thought process is unique in the order in which the individual moves through the 7 areas, but also in the time the person spends per area. For example, Piet’s thought process looks like this: 1-5-1-4-1-3-1-6-1-7-1-2 and Kees looks like this: 1-2-1-4 -1-7-1-6-1-5-1-3-1-6-1-3-1-2. Piet spends more time in his thinking on the interpersonal side. This makes him skilled as an interviewer or a detective. Kees thinks more in the musical area. His gifts will therefore tend more towards singing and/or musical instruments.

The thought process is unique and reflects the abilities of the individual. There are no strong and weak thought patterns. Every person has a unique way of processing information and, inherently, a unique gift. Man is one of a kind, for example, there are millions of singers in the world who all sing in their own unique way.

Intelligence quotient and emotional intelligence

When measuring the Intelligence Quotient and emotional intelligence, a certain standard is used. If the standard is not met, the person is rejected, while the problem lies with the standard itself. Because of his uniqueness, it is unrealistic to measure humans against standards. People can be visual (focused on looking), auditory (focused on hearing) or kinaesthetic (focused on feeling). In general, it is the visually and kinaesthetically oriented individuals who are rejected in the Intelligence Quotient measurements.

Blockages on the road

When a person moves undisturbed from one area to another in his thinking process, the information received by the senses is processed adequately. Such a person will soon discover which areas he/she is attracted to and in which he/she is good. This will enable the individual to make the right decisions regarding education, career, hobbies and a life partner. Such a person will find his/her life purpose and be successful based on his/her unique thinking pattern. It is different when the thought process is disrupted. Negative thoughts and emotions are physically present in the brain like thorny trees (Read more about this in the article: The brain is a reflection of personal life).

The negative emotions disrupt the thinking process, because people are focused on positive things.

The route that the information must travel can be compared to driving a car. Suppose a particular person’s unique thought pattern is 1-4-1-3-1-2-1-7-1-6-1-5. The car then drives from 1 to 4, but notices that at 3 a fallen thorny tree is blocking the road. The information will then be stuck at 4 and suddenly jump to 2. If there are also blocks at 7 and 5, these will also be skipped. The blocks (thorny trees) are negative emotions that control the person, such as depression, inferiority complex, trauma, resentment, bitterness, and so on. When a person’s thinking process is blocked and the information cannot be processed in accordance with the unique route, the person will not be able to think clearly. This person will therefore not be able to make right decisions and miss good opportunities. The life goal is not achieved and the person feels like a failure. Negative thoughts cause stress and related diseases. When society fails, this exacerbates the existing negativity and thus stress and diseases. Fortunately, this negative state can be reversed within three weeks. The person will have to forgive/let go and focus on positive things. The negative emotions then make way for positive ones, so that the blockages literally melt away and the thought process can complete its cycle undisturbed.

read more

  • Thoughts take on bushy shapes in the brain
  • Break bad habits
  • On the way to happiness
  • Leadership responsibility

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