Is my partner cheating? The signs of cheating

Cheating, many people are against it and say they will never do it. Yet research has shown that 31% of people cheat. As a partner you can always have your suspicions. If the other person suddenly shows a change in appearance or behavior, this may be a sign that he or she is cheating. What are the signs of cheating? And what is the best way to deal with it? In any case, make sure you collect evidence. Who knows, maybe your partner isn’t cheating at all and is just not feeling well.

Using the laptop

A signal that may indicate that your partner is cheating is the use of the PC or laptop. Is there suddenly a password on his laptop, while this was never the case before? Then this could be a signal that he has something to hide.

But there are other signals based on your partner’s computer use that can indicate that something is going on. For example, take a look at your internet history. Are there strange websites in here? Or is the internet history deleted after each internet session? When your partner cheats, he will do his utmost to cover his tracks. Perhaps your partner used to always sit comfortably with his laptop on the couch next to you, and now suddenly always sits in the attic or in his ‘computer room’. And does he suddenly close all kinds of windows when you approach? This can also indicate that your partner has something to hide.

Using the mobile phone

Cheating often involves using the mobile phone. If you don’t trust it, check his text messages, WhatsApp conversations, Facebook messenger and telephone conversations. This may not be easy, because people who cheat are often very wary. In many cases, they do not just leave their mobile phone in the living room, but keep it with them at all times, for example in their pocket.

Social behaviour

Your partner’s social life can also change due to cheating. Does he suddenly have to work overtime very often? Or does he have other ‘important’ appointments with colleagues or acquaintances? See carefully if you can discover whether he really attended these so-called appointments. For example, do you speak to his friend or colleague? Then you can throw a fish out, for example by asking ‘how did you like that evening…?’. In any case, always be on your guard when your partner suddenly talks about a certain colleague a lot. 15% of all people indicate that they have had a relationship with a colleague.


Someone who cheats has the tendency to suddenly focus a lot more on their appearance. He feels he has to win over someone again, and for that reason he wants to look good. Does your partner suddenly have a new nice scent to wear to work? Or suddenly a hip haircut?

Other small details can also indicate that your partner is cheating. Does he suddenly smell different than normal when he comes home? Do you find condoms in his car or work bag? Or are there suddenly hairs (other than your own) on his clothes or in his car? You may keep finding strange stains in his clothes. All this could indicate that your partner is cheating.

Start the conversation with your partner

Unfortunately, to really confront your partner with his behavior, there is no other option than collecting evidence. No matter how strong your suspicions are, without evidence you are nowhere. Of course, you also have to keep a close eye on yourself. Once you get it into your head that your partner is cheating, it is difficult to get the idea out of your head. Even if your partner is not actually cheating at all.

If you think you know for sure that your partner is cheating, have a conversation with him. Of course, you don’t have to immediately accuse him of everything, because this will probably only work to your disadvantage. Your partner will most likely not admit that something is going on. But for example, ask him what he actually thinks about cheating. You’ve probably talked about this before during your relationship. Has his opinion changed from the last time you discussed this topic? Many ‘cheaters’ say that cheating does not always have to mean the end of a relationship.

Of course, the above points do not necessarily mean that your partner is having someone else, they are just factors that often occur when someone cheats.

An important note:
This article is written in the he form, but this of course applies just as well in the side form.

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