What do men want in a relationship?

What do men want in a relationship? What makes her decide to take an affair seriously and commit? Of course, all men are different, but there are a number of things that often appear on the list of most important conditions in a relationship for a man. They are listed for you in this article. Women often think that men don’t think seriously about relationships at all, but that is a misconception. They also have their own set of requirements, but that is slightly different from those of most women. It must be said that most women also find these conditions very important.

1. Men want honest women

Everyone wants honesty. This is a cliché and a cliché, but it is true that both men and women attach great importance to honesty. Men want their wives to be honest with them, just like the other way around. Honesty is especially important in mutual communication. Answer each other’s questions honestly and don’t deliberately keep secrets that he would definitely like to know. If you want something from him, communicate honestly and clearly, he will certainly appreciate that.

2. Men want independent women

Modern men don’t want clingy and needy appendages. They want independent women who can take care of themselves and don’t need him to survive in the world. Just like women, men do not like arrogant men or women.

3. Men don’t like manipulation

Men absolutely do not like manipulative women and therefore do not like having a relationship with them at all. Of course, partners are going to influence each other and draw them closer in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean a man appreciates it when a woman manipulates him into doing certain things. So don’t try to force or direct him into doing things you want him to do. In the long term, this makes most men very unhappy.

4. Good sex

Without good sex, a relationship is not complete for most men. Of course not for most women, so it certainly deserves a place in this top 5. For men, sex and lovemaking is not only something that they want to do regularly because they are horny, but also a confirmation of their love for each other. They also long for the passion and love that is released during sex. He really wants sex with you that you put all your heart into, although he may not always communicate this easily.

5. Men want women with humor

Men also want a woman with humor in a relationship. By a woman with humor, men often mean a woman who can laugh at their jokes, but still… A serious relationship for a man not only means being serious in the relationship, but it must also be possible to laugh together. Men want a spontaneous and funny partner and you will certainly notice that the more fun you have, the more he appreciates your company and the relationship.

What do you think? Is this correct? What do men really want in a relationship? Give your opinion in the comments…

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