What does a woman look for in a man?

What are the qualities that a woman values most in a man? In other words: what type of man would she most like to grow old with?

Cherish her, appreciate her and compliment her

Most women look for a man who will make her feel very special. They are looking for a man to feel secure, appreciated, loved and safe with. You should regularly reduce her insecurity about her appearance with appreciative words. Many women are afraid of being abandoned if they think they are no longer attractive to their man. So give her regular compliments on her appearance.

Provide security

You make your wife feel safe if you just keep your word. So if you say you are going to do something about the rickety stairs this weekend, you do it. Also make sure you get back from work on time if she has indicated that she has an appointment outside the home. Also be careful about developing friendships with women who might undermine her sense of security. So never be compromised with female colleagues who are clearly prettier or younger than your wife. This can fuel jealousy and ultimately cost you your marriage. In team sports you should be cautious about having drinks with good-looking teammates. You don’t want your wife to get something in her head, do you? Wives are subconsciously afraid of being exchanged for a younger or more attractive one. If you want to avoid a lot of hassle, you should take this into account in advance.

Give her genuine attention

For a woman, talking is important. So when you get home, you don’t immediately dive in front of your computer. Sit down and look at her. The first line you should ideally say is: ,Tell me: did you have a nice day?,. Even if your partner does not work outside the home or works much less than you do, she still likes it when you show interest in her soul stirrings. What does she feel? Did she read something special in the newspaper or in a book today? Has she met any acquaintances? She may also spend a lot of time with the children. Ask her how the kids went today. Yet it is important not only to talk about the children. Also be interested in your partner as an individual. That is very important for her and therefore ultimately for your well-being.

Take care of yourself

Stay a little vain. Most women find it important that their husbands are clean. So hygiene is and remains important. Proper washing, cutting and grooming is the motto. Change clothes regularly, brush your teeth and shave well. The outside remains important.

Provide financial stability and help her at home

You don’t have to be rich. What is important is that you ensure a regular family income in the long term. There is nothing worse than having to bite the bullet with a family due to a lack of discipline or insight. So just stay wise with money. It is also important to continue to help your partner with the housework. If your wife has been busy all day and has the impression that you are not contributing at home, she will not be open to approaches in the evening. So load the dishwasher or put the kids to bed. You will score high points with it!

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