How does a man become a desirable partner?

What are the qualities that a woman values most in a man? In other words: what type of man would she most like to grow old with?

Grow up

Many men still have the aura of immaturity around them. These men actually remain just a little boy who wants to be spoiled by his mother. These are also the types who will not lift a finger in the household in the future. Women have a seventh sense for this. When a woman is looking for a man for a long-term relationship, she is generally looking for the father for her children. So grow up and don’t just think about yourself. You will radiate the fact that you have transformed inside from a spoiled boy to a grown man.

Take charge of your own life

Don’t feel like a victim. You radiate this! Analyze where you are now. This in the areas of health, relationships and career. Are you satisfied with what you have already achieved? If this is not the case, you will need to draw up a thorough plan yourself to achieve what you want to achieve. Don’t get into the Calimero role. If you think you can change something about your situation: take action. Never hand over leadership to a woman. Don’t think she will like this. Most women are looking for an independent man who can do his own thing. In the future, this man will have to make a long-term contribution to the family income. To be attractive to women, you need to radiate stability and belief in your own abilities.

Don’t constantly ask for approval

Don’t ask every change whether she agrees. Too much consultation can be very tiring. Make your own plans in small matters. If there are important decisions to be made, involve her in the decision-making process. If you constantly ask for approval for your actions, it seems like you are very insecure about your own decisions. Then you don’t radiate that you are the rock in the surf that you are looking for.

You can be a man

Some men radiate that they feel uncomfortable with their manhood. Constantly suppressing your thoughts, feelings and natural desires can work against you. Intimacy, if this is desired on both sides, is part of a relationship. You can feel free to show your partner that you find her attractive as a woman. However, don’t worry and let nature take its course. Men who feel comfortable in their own body radiate this.

Radiate robustness

You get a robust image if you always stick to your agreements. Then the lady in question gets the impression that you can be relied on. After all, nothing is as important as reliability if you want to build a long-term relationship and perhaps start a family in the future. Don’t give her the impression that you are always looking for the perfect match. If you come across a nicer or more interesting example, you don’t have to comment on it in front of your partner. Then the lady in question starts to feel insecure. So don’t look ostentatiously at other women when you’re out on a date. Then you don’t really look reliable.

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