Entering the labor market: don’t be deterred!

When we enter the labor market, we may experience a certain fear. New unknown situations are often frightening and we have to brave them. Self-confidence that you will do your job well has not yet been built up due to little or no experience, which is why it is often a difficult first step to enter the labor market. The fact that you want to stand on your own two feet can also cause extra pressure. By gaining work experience during your studies, you can ensure that your self-confidence grows somewhat. If you do not immediately find the right job, it is interesting to start working anyway, so you can gain experience and look forward to something that suits you more.

The role of self-confidence

Someone with a lot of self-confidence dares to enter into new confrontations more quickly. By taking advantage of more opportunities, there is also a greater chance that you will end up in a job that you like. Someone who does not have much self-confidence can strengthen this by entering into new confrontations. This enhances that person’s experience. By gaining more experiences, a person is also better able to assess situations and this will therefore also have a positive effect on self-confidence.


People who have worked a lot during their study career, especially in the industry in which they really want to work with their diploma, view the labor market somewhat more favorably and are better prepared for the new experiences that will follow. The usefulness of doing an internship during your training is therefore very important. Even if you cannot yet demonstrate significant work experience, you can use your student jobs and internship as assets when applying.

Deterrent effect strengthened

Why the deterrent effect can cause an additional feeling of constriction for the graduate:

  • the realization that it is best to find a job as quickly as possible after your studies, otherwise you will become less attractive to your future employer
  • you want financial security: you can no longer fall back on additional income from student jobs that you could get while studying. Maybe you have been together with someone for a long time and you want children. The urge to provide for your family properly also plays an additional role.
  • social desirability: you see your age group and social environment improving and want to follow suit as quickly as possible.
  • self-esteem: you want to be accepted and receive confirmation that you can indeed contribute something to society.


Didn’t immediately find the ‘suitable’ job: go to work anyway

Do you doubt that a job will not suit you well or that you deserve a better position due to your long studies? Then you can still do that job in the meantime and in your spare time look for a job that better suits your educational profile. Taking on a job that at first glance does not seem to suit you can still have the following advantages:

  • you show that you are active in society and are not afraid to take initiative.
  • you can submit additional experience when applying for a new job (even if you think that experience is ‘lower’).
  • you send a good signal to the next employer that you can do something ‘against your will’.
  • you earn extra and can save for your future.
  • you get to know new people who can add value both career-wise and socially.


Tip not to be put off

Believe in yourself!

Everyone has had to take the step into the labor market and everyone will also have been confronted with some form of uncertainty. Don’t be put off by the fact that the people you will be working with in your new job suddenly seem to have extra power over you because they are already there. They also had to take that step.

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