Buy a pram or buggy

Once you know you are pregnant, there are many things you need to purchase. A children’s room, clothes and not to forget a stroller. Or a buggy? What is the difference? This article will help you make the right choice when purchasing. Once you know you are pregnant, there are many things you need to purchase. A children’s room, clothes and not to forget a stroller. Or a buggy? What is the difference? This article will help you make the right choice when purchasing.

Differences between pram and buggy

Especially if the child cannot yet sit, a buggy is not the right means of transport for your baby. The baby is lying down, and will also sleep a lot. However, you can still go out with a stroller. Your child lies in the stroller and with various accessories, such as a removable screen, you can shield the baby from wind and rain. When your child is about 6-8 months old and can sit, the buggy becomes a better means of transport. The biggest advantage of a buggy over the pram is the ability to fold it.

Nowadays there are many suppliers who offer an all-in-one solution: a chassis on which you can first place a crib as the stroller. Over time you can replace the crib with a car seat (popularly called Maxi-Cosi , but this is incorrect: Maxi-Cosi is a brand that indeed supplies these seats, but there are many other suppliers of the same product. ). You also need the car seat to transport your baby in the car. With this all-in-one system you immediately have it in your possession and you no longer have to purchase it separately. When your child is around one year old, you can use the base for the seat that together form a buggy. This last combination will last you for several years until your child no longer needs a buggy. There are several suppliers of these systems: Chicco, Stokke, Maxi-Cosi, Inglesina, Bugaboo, Koelstra and many others.

Advantages of a good buggy

The buggy is in fact nothing more than a seat with four wheels, which you can push forward using the handles. You can fold the buggy into a manageable, compact whole using a folding system. Buggies are available in many price categories. You actually decide how much you want to spend on a buggy. Well-known brands are often more expensive. Please note, even with buggies, cheap can also be expensive: pay attention to the quality of the buggy of your choice. A buggy will last you many years. You can easily use the buggy until your child is about 4 years old. The better quality buggy, and therefore the more expensive one, will serve you throughout the entire period. Frequently purchased good brands include: Bugaboo, Maxi-Cosi, Maclaren, Quinny, Chicco, Mutsy or Koelstra (and of course many others).

A buggy is extremely handy : because of its compact size you can take it with you wherever you go. You can even take it with you as (hand) luggage when traveling by plane. You can hand the buggy over to the airline staff just before boarding and you will receive it back just after getting off the plane, so that you do not have to walk the route to the exit with your child in your arm. Please note, some companies allow your buggy to go with your luggage to the collection belt upon arrival! A larger stroller, on the other hand, must be checked in as regular luggage. After checking in, you must carry your child in your arm to the plane.

When choosing your buggy, you should not only pay attention to the color. It is much more important that you pay attention to things such as the adjustability of the seat or the correct wheels for your use of the buggy. Nowadays there are buggies with all-terrain tires that are ideal for the beach. If you never go to the beach with the buggy, opt for regular swivel wheels, for example. Being able to adjust the seat to a lying position is important for your child. This way you can still close your eyes during your outing. And also think about the available accessories. If you live in a big city and travel a lot by bike, you may also consider the possibility of attaching the buggy to the bicycle.

The average price of a buggy is around €50 to €100. If you add to this the price of the stroller that you will need anyway and all the accessories that are indispensable, such as a parasol, a cover against the rain and wind, a sunshade, a foot and sleeping bag, a mosquito net, the bicycle carrier and many other accessories, then you may consider opting for the all-in-one system.


  • Does the folded buggy fit in your car? Keep this in mind when purchasing!
  • There are buggies that can be opened and folded with one hand. This is extremely useful if you have to reach your home via a stairwell and you have to take your child in your arms!
  • Think in advance about what you are going to do with the buggy and adjust your choice accordingly. A luxury car that can handle all terrains is unnecessary if you have no intention of doing so.

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