Relax through the festive month

For many, the Christmas period is a hectic period. So much has to be done and cannot be crammed into the normal week. This means that for a large group of people the Christmas period, instead of being a pleasant month full of togetherness, seems more like a punishing month. Exhausted in January and with an empty wallet, there is no need to look back on last Christmas. You just have to keep a straight back… but that in itself is a challenge.

“Do we have to” so much?

You could actually start with this question, because from whom do we owe everything we do? We often have to do this or impose this yoke on ourselves because the outside world expects this of us. Who that outside world is is only a shadowy entity, but apparently there is a pattern of expectations outside your sphere of influence. It starts with the question of whether it is really the case, or whether you created it yourself. You want to radiate something to the outside world and that also means that you must continue to comply with this if you want to maintain this image. Quite a task.

You can ask yourself what will happen if you do not live up to that image and whether this really affects you? If you are very concerned with the outside of your life , this is quite a difficult one. But you have the hardest time yourself and so the question of whether it is worth it to you is a very valid one. The image?


These image aspects often take place during the Christmas period, because if you want to have everything arranged down to the last detail, this will of course take a huge toll on you (and possibly on those around you) in the period before the festivities. Apart from costs, there is also the matter of whether you have everything perfectly arranged for yourself or for the outside world. If you do it for yourself you may still wonder why you want it to be so perfect (given the impact), but otherwise it is a consequence of your possible perfectionism.

If you do it for the outside world, the question of whether it is worth it is legitimate. What do you get out of it for yourself if you work up a sweat and stress for the outside world? If the answer is nothing or limited, you might consider just leaving it as it is for a year. People around you may be surprised at times, but people get used to that quickly enough. However, if people demand it of you and you still end up in a difficult package, what do you have with those people that they let you do this and are they the people you want to be with? (Why do people demand this of you after all)

“Musts” at Christmas

For many people, Christmas consists partly and sometimes entirely of chores. Hassle with family and in-laws is a major bottleneck. But staying away from it completely if you don’t really feel like it is usually not an option. The only excuse there is is that you are on holiday during that period.

But Christmas is also a period of being together in a casual way. If that is not an option with the people you are forced to spend more time with, you have to ask yourself whether it is worth it to you (find the basis of your Christmas thoughts for yourself).

We often hear that people expect it and it is possible to analyze this, because who exactly is one? That sour sister-in-law who is always picking on you or that nasty brother who is jealous. plenty of options not to spend Christmas with those people.

Find the solution

Difficult if you want to go to your parents-in-law and you get more than you want. Look at it from all sides, but honestly do what is appropriate. If that’s the morning so you don’t have to share the days with less pleasant people, you should do that. Be honest about it, possibly in appropriate terms. Skipping (parents-in-law) may not be done, but combine it with the casual atmosphere of friends or a family. Christmas is also acceptance of and about each other and if not everyone likes that, that is a shortcoming on the part of the other party.


Going through a festive period in a relaxed manner will recharge you for the new year, unlike what stress does to you. Being busy is not tense, so plan your work in the schedule of the rest. Don’t overtake yourself and don’t take on more than you can handle, even during a busy(er) period. For example, take a moment for yourself. Meditation, yoga, running some extra laps or a lovely walk in the woods, it all fits perfectly into a busy schedule, and also keeps it (mentally) fun.

Honesty and being together in the casual atmosphere that Christmas stands for should be the starting point. Why not pursue it?

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