Do believe in a higher power, but not through a religion

To realize that in this intelligent universe there are great powers and creative forces that we cannot perceive with our senses, you do not have to be religious and go to a church. According to research, 26% of Dutch people are ,unattached spiritually,. This means: having spiritual feelings, but not being connected to a church or philosophical group.

Believing in cause and effect

When it comes to believing in a higher power, you can apparently divide people into two groups, namely those who profess a faith, such as visiting a synagogue, church or mosque, and those who are atheists and therefore do not believe in a God. But as with so many things, matters of faith and life’s questions are also more nuanced. There are many people who do not believe in the Bible, Koran, Torah, etc., but whose common sense says that there is no effect without a cause, and that therefore nothing can ,just happen by itself,. That there must be a creative force, an all-encompassing superpower or whatever. The following illustrates the logic of this thought.

Even a sand figure does not arise by itself

Imagine you are walking on the beach as a couple and you see a beautiful but abandoned sand castle. Nowhere can you find evidence that this beautifully made sand castle was made by human hands, because the beach is quiet and deserted. However, no one dares to claim that such a creation was created by a coincidental interplay of sea, sand and wind. While in essence it is nothing more than a pile of sand in a certain shape. If we conclude that it is impossible for such a simple sand sculpture to be created by chance, then it would be inconsistent to claim that 1000x more complicated creations can be created by a coincidental combination of circumstances. Every creation is therefore the result of a creative intelligence. Regardless of whether that creation concerns a relatively simple sand castle, a living plant or an intelligent and complicated animal.

Big Bang and Evolution

It may well be that the earth and all life on it emerged from a big bang, but not an accidental bang, but a planned bang from a great intelligence. In a sense it can be compared to decorative fireworks, from which a planned creation is created through a bang. And a theory of evolution, of which hard evidence has never been provided, does not have to rule out a creative intelligence. Isn’t every fertilization of sperm+egg up to and including the growth of an adult in fact a form of evolution?


That people cling to a religion and a church is understandable, given the unfair distribution and horrors on this earth. It is logical to explain concepts such as guilt and penance in religions and to place the responsibility for all the misery on this globe on people. Because it is a great relief if we can blame someone for the many unjust situations. And that the bad guys are punished for this in an afterlife, and the good people end up in a paradise. Such a belief is pleasant to our sense of justice and it gives some meaning to our suffering, because there is a reward waiting after our death.

People have double standards

But compared to the other animal species on this earth, which often don’t enjoy it either, because death and destruction also rule there, we apply different standards. Then we suddenly find it completely logical and acceptable that:

  • One species eats the other alive.
  • Weak, sick and old animals meet a miserable end,
  • That natural disasters control population size.
  • That the strong male wins over his weaker competitor and is allowed to mate.

While we have no proof anywhere that seals, spiders, birds and fish suffer less pain, death and destruction than we humans do.

Eating and reproducing is the main thing

Humans, like most other animal species, probably only have one job on this earth and that is to live, eat, poop, reproduce and raise children. With all the joy but also with all the misery that entails. We will never realize what purpose all this is for. Nor can we understand why we have a survival kit in the form of humor, musicality, a sense of beauty, love. And we will never know what the purpose and origin of the gigantic universe is, as well as time and distance.

What the above theory supports is that the simplest life can lead to great consequences. Just take the digestive bacteria in our intestines. All he does is eat, poop and reproduce. And with these simple activities, this tiny ignorant micro-organism, among other things, keeps us humans alive. And the insect that maintains flora by spreading pollen is also an example of a useful activity that is not realized by the animal.

Would that also be our only task in this unfair world: to maintain an unknown quantity in a way that is obscure to us , simply by staying alive as long as possible and ensuring reproduction?

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