Faking pregnancy

Faking a pregnancy: it is more common than one might think. Women who see a relationship on the rocks, have psychological complaints or are crying out for attention: all reasons to fake a pregnancy. Faking a pregnancy is something that is not appreciated: when the truth comes to light, the trust of others is often completely lost.

What is faking?

Faking means: pretending. Fake comes from English and means trick, deception, fake, forgery, etc. So anyone who fakes is pretending. Faking can be done in many ways: you can pretend to have an orgasm (one of the best-known ways of faking), but you can also pretend to be sick so that you don’t have to go to work or school. Almost everyone has faked it before.

Faking a pregnancy

There are women who fake a pregnancy. They often do this for a specific reason, for example when a relationship is in danger of going wrong or to get attention.

When the man wants to end the relationship, this is often difficult for the woman to process. In some cases, the woman tries to prevent the relationship from ending by faking a pregnancy. By pretending to be pregnant, the woman has a chance that the man will still stay with her. Some men indeed feel obliged to stay with the woman when they hear that she is pregnant. Out of a sense of duty, the relationship is not terminated. However, the question is whether this relationship will last: the man feels obliged to stay with the woman even though he emotionally does not want to do so.

Another reason to fake a pregnancy is a cry for attention. By pretending to be pregnant, the woman in question receives a lot of attention. After all, everyone looks up to a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman generally receives more attention from those around her than a non-pregnant woman. In some cases, a woman even fakes multiple pregnancies in a row.

In other cases, a pregnancy is faked to avoid heavy work: after all, a pregnant woman must be relieved of heavy work. Sometimes a pregnancy is faked to the employer or to others in order to avoid work.

A fake pregnancy: end or maintain?

It is not that difficult to fake a pregnancy during the first three to four months. The belly does not grow that fast during this period, so almost everyone will believe the fake pregnancy. However, from four months onwards a belly should start to grow. At this point many fake pregnancies are terminated: the woman claims to have had a miscarriage. If the woman has fabricated the pregnancy to get attention, she will often quickly become ,pregnant, again.

Some women go further in faking pregnancy: they wear a fake belly or a pillow under their clothes. This makes the woman actually appear to grow during her pregnancy. Around the six-month mark of a fake pregnancy, there are women who still drop out and manage to produce a stillborn child. Others continue until nine months of pregnancy, during which time they still have a stillborn child, which no one ever gets to see.

How do you recognize a fake pregnancy?

It’s hard to tell if someone is faking a pregnancy or not, especially in the first three months. After all, there is nothing to see from the outside. However, the behavior can often be somewhat different than that of a pregnant woman. For example, a fake pregnancy often does not suffer from morning sickness or ligament pain. Especially women who have never been pregnant before and who fake a pregnancy often don’t know what they are talking about.

Pregnancy also often comes at an undesirable time: for example, when a relationship is in danger of ending or when the woman wants to have attention very often. But even if the woman has psychological complaints, a pregnancy can often suddenly arise.

A woman who is pregnant several times in a row and has a miscarriage again and again, and it is also unclear who the father is, can be questioned. A visible pregnant woman who does not want to show her pregnant belly, does not want to let it be touched or does not want to show an ultrasound photo, is sometimes also a sign that something is wrong.

A pregnant woman glows: this is usually clearly visible on the skin. The hair also becomes fuller and shinier. The breasts may also become fuller. If a pregnant woman does not show these characteristics, this does not mean that she is not pregnant . Pregnant women can also have dull and lifeless hair and gray skin. It is very annoying for a pregnant woman to receive a false accusation of faking. Therefore, be careful and weigh everything carefully before deciding to confront the woman about it.

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