Customs surrounding dying and death: Jehovah’s Witnesses

James Taze Russell founded the Jehovah’s Witnesses movement in 1875. The movement is still centrally led from the United States.


Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that it is important to convert early, because Jesus Christ will soon come to establish the Millennium. When you convert, you submit to strict discipline. You are expected to testify verbally and in writing. And you are expected to condemn the satanic powers of church and state, for example by refusing military service.


Sickness and death do not occur in isolation, but are a consequence of Adam’s sin. Illness can also benefit you by seeing it as a trial. Because the patient sees the illness as an ordeal, the environment can make it easier for the patient through kindness and understanding.

Blood transfusions are completely rejected. Keep this in mind, because any attempt to change the patient’s mind about this is nothing more or less than an additional burden on the patient.

Because refusing a blood transfusion is refusing treatment, hospitals often ask the patient or his legal representative to sign a statement.


Death is the end of life. That life will only continue on the day of the resurrection of the dead, in paradise form. Given this prospect, it is therefore not unusual for a Jehovah’s Witness to die with a certain cheerfulness.


Visits from elders are very important for a seriously ill or dying person. If you are caring for a Jehovah’s Witness and you don’t see any elders coming, you are doing your patient a favor by sending a message to the local congregation. You can find its address in the telephone book.

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