De-stressing… a natural process from animal to human

It has been done for some time, especially with children and older people, but the animal can definitely provide relaxation, de-stress or whatever you want to call it. This applies to anyone who is tense for whatever reason. More and more people of all ages are experiencing it.

The animal is pure

Perhaps visually – not all animals are suitable for this, but if you are really crazy about an animal you can look at it for hours. And this alone has a calming effect on many people. And perhaps not everyone thinks of the sight of a snake as soothing, but nothing could be further from the truth. After all, snake enthusiasts find a snake at least beautiful and pure and that alone means that you can look at it in peace and observe how the muscles in the body allow the animal to move. But seeing an otter eating or a whale cub playing also makes a calming impression on many people. The whale also makes sound, which many people experience as soothing. This soothing nature allows people to relax the body and if the body is relaxed long enough, it can also take the mind along. Every animal lends itself in one way or another to relaxing people.

Back to nature

Recently a report was used in publicity in the US that has similarities with this subject. Among other things, reasons were sought as to why nature attracts humans so much and there are quite a number of reasons, but what is remarkable is the reason that 22% of those interviewed have a certain degree of jealousy of the simple life of the animal. It must feed to stay alive and then reproduce with the best partners to maintain the species.

This fact says something about the complexity of contemporary human life and that it may become too complex for a group of people, which in turn can create tensions. Back to basics is to observe the animal and view life as such.

Closer to home

The horse

But for many people, relaxing with the help of an animal is much closer to home. Now take the horse on which people can relax. On the back of the horse you feel the animal beneath you, the heartbeat and the quiet walk puts you in a certain state of peace. We often see mentally handicapped people sitting on horses and you can often see from their faces how much they are enjoying themselves and how much they can relax.

The cat and the dog

But of course we all know our own dog or cat. Cats in particular seem to have a calming effect on humans. The calm breathing and the body of the animal completely relaxing on your lap or near you, which is also clearly visible in the body of the animal, brings a certain degree of peace to people.

But the dog, for example the puppy that relaxes quietly in a basket after playing, also has something very natural about it. Or the dog that goes into the woods and enjoys the surroundings. Many dogs can tell how much the animal enjoys such a walk and, combined with the wooded environment (or perhaps the dunes or the beach), it also brings humans a certain degree of peace. Sometimes it is actual peace and sometimes it is resignation in a situation, for example. Things can be viewed from a distance and the resignation and overview then provides peace of mind.

The fish

And while some people do not see the fish as a relaxing pet, a large aquarium is not only a treat for the eyes, but also an oasis of peace and has a positive effect on people. And if you do not have the space or opportunity for a larger aquarium, a smaller setup can achieve the same effect.


Every person sees a pet differently, but in the end you decide for yourself (or actually your body, because there is no reason involved in the first feeling for an animal). But for every animal, if it does something to you, it is good for you. After all, it is not without reason that you prefer it, it is simply a natural process. my view on

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