Children are abused all over the world

Child abuse also often occurs abroad, just as it does in the Netherlands. Is the number of child abuse cases increasing in the world? Or is it that it is now less of a taboo and is talked about more often, making it seem as if child abuse is happening more often? The reasons for child abuse vary widely and no single reason is valid. No matter how you look at it, each case of child abuse is one too many.


A two-year-old boy from Brazil was stabbed with needles by his stepfather, the boy had forty-two needles in his body. The stepfather admitted that he had inserted the needles into the child on behalf of two women, who were also arrested. It is believed that the child has fallen victim to black magic. The two-year-old boy had needles in his body that were sometimes up to five centimeters long, two of the needles were dangerously close to the heart. Because the child was in pain, his mother took him to the hospital. She claimed not to know how the needles ended up in her son’s body. Needles were found in a lung, the left leg and several parts of his chest.

Child abuse in Curaçao

It appears that child abuse often takes place in Curaçao. A study among students between the ages of eleven and seventeen years old at twelve different secondary schools showed that forty-three percent of students have ever suffered some form of child abuse. Hundreds of students completed an extensive questionnaire. Not only students were involved in this research, general practitioners were also interviewed. The students had had at least one experience with abuse. This involved physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, sexual abuse or neglect.


A three-year-old toddler, Ryan, died as a result of severe abuse. A childhood friend of Ryan’s mother babysat him along with her drug addict boyfriend. The toddler was thrown against the wall, beaten and locked in a closet. The babysitter’s boyfriend hit Ryan so hard that his hand marks were on the toddler. Ryan received ten blows to his head, which caused brain damage and a heart attack. Ryan’s body was covered in bruises and cuts and seventy-five injuries were found. Fifty-four of these injuries were clearly visible. A nurse had the strong impression that someone had tried to strangle the toddler. The pathologist discovered ten deep cuts in the head.

Increase in child abuse after the start of the intifada in Israel

The Israeli Association for the Protection of the Child, the ELI, noted an increase in child abuse after the intifada in 2000. It turned out that five times as many cases of child abuse were being handled than before the intifada. A direct link is made between violence in society and the increase in the number of cases of child abuse. It is not suggested that the violence of the intifada is the reason for the abuse. However, it is believed that this violence brings emotional problems to the surface more quickly, causing an increase in child abuse. Many people have less attention and patience for their children’s problems because the security situation in their environment is very threatening. Sometimes this is taken out on the children. The problems are worst among the poorer sections of the population. Due to attacks on buses, for example, the poorer sections of the population are also the most exposed to violence. Soldiers, however, attach much more importance to protecting children at home, even if these soldiers were in the Palestinian territories. Strangely enough, these soldiers did not take the violence with them.


A fifty-one-year-old father allowed two daughters living at home to go to the toilet only twice a day. Once a month they were allowed to wash in a tub with cold water and dishwashing liquid. They had to sleep in a chair and did not have enough clothes. The food consisted of canned food and fries. They were also humiliated and beaten for no reason. One of the girls once had a knife stabbed in her hand.

Delegation from Kenya

A delegation of senior government officials and representatives of children’s rights organizations from Kenya have been to the Netherlands. They visited the Netherlands to become acquainted with Dutch policy in tackling violence against children. The delegation visited various institutions and organizations and met a wide variety of experts. The Director of Children Affairs at the Ministry of Children and Social Development opined that Kenya should change its child protection and youth care policies. According to the director, the Kenyan government can play a much greater role in supporting civil society organizations that are committed to the protection of children in Kenya.

Child abuse around the world

Unfortunately, child abuse occurs too often and all over the world. Children are mistreated, abused and exploited every day. It is therefore a good thing that organizations all over the world are investigating and/or combating child abuse. It is unlikely that this form of madness can ever be eradicated. However, we can all ensure that attention continues to be paid to child abuse, and in particular to the victims, so that there will always be organizations that will continue to try to put a stop to this madness.

read more

  • The bare facts about child abuse
  • Child abuse is timeless
  • Who protects our children from our protectors?
  • Who will be sentenced to TBS by the judge?

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