Communication, a good sense of smell and smell

Good communication is important and indispensable. A good sense of smell, smell and smell are also important when interacting with others. Communication takes place in many ways. Both verbal and non-verbal. Even non-verbal. We perceive a lot through our senses, so we also pay attention to smell and smell.

Good and effective communication

Communication is the exchange of thoughts, feelings, information and ideas between people. All senses play an important role in this. It is not only what you see and say, but also the communication with the non-verbal signals of body language: what you hear, feel, taste and smell. In nature, a good sense of smell has traditionally been essential. Odors and flavors are one of the most important sources of information for plants and animals. We humans are sometimes in danger of neglecting the function of smell.

Smelling, a sense of smell with a warning function

Our sense of smell first and foremost has a warning function. With some exceptions, such as carbon monoxide, our nose warns us of danger. But the nose also points us to positive things and things that are tasty and pleasant. It is not without reason that having a good nose for something is a very common expression.

Chemical communication

People and especially animals recognize scents and recognize each other’s scents. Certain smells evoke certain reactions and interactions. Between mother and child, or between two lovers. Some scents are repellent and others are attractive. Scents are also very personal. One person likes a certain smell, while another finds it repulsive. Scents work through the subconscious and are very powerful.

Jacobson’s sense of smell and organ

Most of the senses for smell and smell are hidden in the mucous membrane at the back of the upper nasal cavity. The odors enter through the nose or pharynx. In insects via their antennae on the forehead. In snakes this is done via the Jacobson’s organ. A shark can smell blood from many kilometers away. We also say that we can smell someone’s fear.

Communicating with scent

We can also consciously communicate with scents. It is not without reason that the perfume industry is a booming business. Some would kill for the composition of a good perfume, so to speak. The pheromones are flying around your ears. But certain scents are also used to communicate with people who are otherwise difficult to access due to illness, dementia or autism, for example. Certain aromas then evoke memories that make further contact possible. It breaks the isolation and provides a moment of recognition, pleasure, memory. Moreover, this requires good knowledge of what the person concerned will probably like and what he or she will not like. For example, someone with an autistic condition can be completely upset by a smell that is wrong for him or her.

Key lock

Dare to trust all your senses, including smell. Then a whole world will automatically open up for you. It gives you confidence and you will be able to achieve your goals much more effectively.

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