Keep your job by working with the elbow

When a round of layoffs is coming, it is always noticeable! The person with a big mouth or who apparently boasts the most to the manager is once again not removed. It’s an apparently strange circumstance, but the quiet or critical employee – possibly much better at his job – is kicked out. However, in the case of collective dismissals, the principle of reflection must be applied, but in practice there are always underlying reasons. So be smart and keep your job! What can you do to avoid being the chosen one by standing out positively?

Keep your job

  • The reason to do it
  • Be ready with good comments
  • There is nothing wrong with giving positive criticism
  • Others pass
  • Show that you put in a lot of work
  • A big mouth must be justified
  • Be sincere but not a burden
  • Tell us little about your personal situation
  • Sit on the works council
  • Keep your job through tips


The reason to do it

Times are bad when there is a recession and so everyone has to be careful to keep their jobs. Collective redundancies may occur in any field. It means that certain employees must be selectively selected in a fair manner, in order to achieve an even distribution of the dismissed person. Although this seems fair in itself, it regularly happens that the employer deliberately chooses certain people because they are too critical or too absent. Keep your job by being smart is the motto. What are the tips for keeping your job?

Be ready with good comments

Employees who stand out in a positive way will be treated positively. That has nothing to do with being nice. Being good at your work and posting good comments that are useful to the company gives you an advantage over others. So you must have thought about what exactly you want to say. In the event of a sudden inspiration, it is important to first quickly consider whether that inspiration is appropriate or whether it could be detrimental.

There is nothing wrong with giving positive criticism

There is nothing wrong with criticism, provided it is positive, constructive criticism. Never, ever give negative criticism about the manager, management or business operations. You should also preferably avoid discussing it with a good colleague. The atmosphere has been set and your best colleague may have different intentions. A good way to keep your job is to get attention from the boss in an appropriate way. You can stand out by giving encouraging compliments or having positive conversations. Ensure a favorable relationship with your manager, so that it is more difficult to fire you or easier to choose someone else.

Others pass

You can stand out by consciously passing others. Your presence ensures that you can always give your positive opinion regardless of what others think. Of course, you also have to be careful with this, because it can arouse negative feelings among other staff members. This can cause you to have a negative reputation with management. So it is important to find an appropriate way so that you pass others without it being noticed. What matters to you is that you are in the picture of your manager without it being too transparent.

Show that you put in a lot of work

To keep your job it is important to stand out. Those who are passionate about the business are less likely to be fired than those who perform less. Performance is the benchmark and employees who make a lot of money are an important anchor for the company. In addition, transferring knowledge to others gives you a preferential position, because your knowledge may be indispensable. So stand out within the organization by helping others. Do it so that it is noticed and therefore viewed positively.

A big mouth must be justified

Having a big mouth puts you in a bad light. So you always have to be careful with that. Giving your opinion is always desirable, but you must present it in a decent manner without jeopardizing your own position. Management must continue to believe in your good intentions. If you have a big mouth, the arguments should be on your side. In other words, you have to be right in the discussion to avoid suspicion.

Be sincere but not a burden

Staff with a critical opinion or difficult questions are generally dismissed sooner than followers. Tall trees catch a lot of wind, and harsh criticism is punished with measures. Giving your opinion is of course good, but that opinion must put a positive spin on your boss’s entrepreneurship. Negative statements reflect negatively on you as a person and that can be held against you. Be careful when expressing your opinion, especially if it is critical comments about management and the state of affairs. Try to stay positive so that a change can possibly be initiated instead of getting angry faces.

Tell us little about your personal situation

Despite the fact that one cannot be fired for a private matter, it still happens sometimes. It will not be stated as a reason for dismissal, but certain preferences may lead to earlier dismissal. This means that you preferably provide a minimum amount of information about your private circumstances. What you do at home should be left at home is a good credo and avoid bragging about certain home activities. You should therefore keep it professional as much as possible.

Sit on the works council

A good way to protect your position within an organization is to sit on the works council. Employees who actively participate in the formation of the company by taking on the interests of employees enjoy a protected position. Regardless of what you do in the company, due to your exceptional position in the Works Council you may not be dismissed unless the company goes bankrupt or there is an urgent reason. If you also want to leave your mark on the company, give your opinion. Take a seat on the Works Council so that you cannot simply be fired.

Keep your job through tips

By combining several of the previous tips, you may be able to stand out in a useful, positive way that reduces the chance of dismissal. Make sure you do it in moderation without it being too noticeable. If you do it too much, it can actually be counterproductive.

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  • Changing work, tips to find another job
  • Cross-border work: looking for work across the national border during a recession
  • Recovering work from abroad via resourcing after outsourcing
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