Jealousy negative and positive

The state of mind jealousy is generally seen as negative and this image could perhaps be a little more nuanced. But jealousy can also have very disastrous consequences. What is it and how does jealousy work in humans?

Jealousy or envy?

To clear up a misunderstanding, it must be addressed immediately. Jealousy and envy are relatively close, but they are not exactly the same. The basis of jealousy is that you want to possess what someone else has, but if you are envious then you, as it were, do not wish the other person’s possessions. In both cases the action can be disastrous. By the way, you see this more often with envy, because if you destroy someone else’s property, he or she no longer has anything to do with it. It is evident that the consequences for the envious man or woman can be great.


Back to jealousy, it may sound childish on the one hand, but not wanting someone else’s happiness, possessions or qualities is not really healthy and not very childish. Jealousy can be about different things, such as:

  • Material things
  • People
  • Characteristics of people


Material things

We all know the man or woman who wins the grand prize and suddenly becomes a millionaire. That can be a moment to get jealous, because most people want that. But it can also concern smaller matters. An adolescent can become jealous of the new phone that the friend just had or the adult man who has a great car, but the neighbor’s new car is a lot nicer and more exclusive.

The well-known factor of money usually plays a role here, but is not necessary. It could also be something beautiful that you found on a fun trip abroad. Not necessarily something of great value, but something you can’t just buy. The jealous man or woman also wants that nice find during that beautiful trip, but is simply not possible.


People are different and that’s a good thing, but that doesn’t apply to everyone. Just look at the many girls who imitate the models of this world. As long as you stick to imitation or similar dressing, it’s not that bad. Things will only change when they change their behavior and perhaps step out of reality. Or the life you know is something you would also like, but for some reason or other it is not possible (where money is not the leading factor).

Characteristics of people

We all have it sometimes: I wish I could do that too, and think of the super handy man who can convert a ruin into a palace, the technician who can make something from nothing, the ability to see the positive in everything. (while you yourself are a doom thinker, for example) or the poet who composes lyrical poems, which almost takes you to higher spheres.
These could be all kinds of properties that you would also like to see in your package of genes, but which are not realistic or which you are at least unaware of.

Strong emotion

In faith, jealousy is seen as a sin and understandable in itself. Being jealous by nature does not sound pleasant and is not positive. Jealousy is therefore one of the most intense emotions and is able to influence human behavior very strongly. We all know the intense anger that turns into aggression when you find out that your partner has a secret love. This certainly stems from jealousy, among other things.

But jealousy is not always that intense, it can also push you to do greater things than you would otherwise do. Think of the man or woman who, in a beautiful environment, wants to remain sharp towards his partner in the sense of attractiveness and not become a Fatboy. Or in a business setting where you are jealous of a colleague’s position and you will do your utmost to be able to take on such a position. You don’t begrudge your colleague anything in this regard, but you also want that position. Sometimes people can encourage themselves to continue purchasing. The fact that the right characteristic may not be used for this is not really serious in this case.


The fact that jealousy is portrayed as negative may not be entirely correct. It remains a given that if you can achieve things without using your jealous nature, this may be preferred. However, if you do have it, use it in a positive way to develop yourself.

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