HSK offers treatment for people with psychological complaints

HSK is a national commercial healthcare institution that examines and treats people with psychological complaints. The big advantage of this organization is that there are no waiting lists, so you can get an appointment the next day. The aim is to reduce complaints and return to work if necessary. HSK arranges contracts with health insurers and has branches throughout the country.

  • How did HSK come about?
  • Which psychological complaints does HSK treat?
  • How does the treatment proceed?
  • What is cognitive therapy
  • How does the registration work?
  • How is quality guaranteed?
  • How does HSK work?


How did HSK come about?

HSK was founded in 1991 by Prof.Dr. CAHoogduin, Prof. Dr. C. Schaap and Drs. A. Kladler. In 1994 the organization was expanded with three newcomers, but the name remained HSK. The organization grew strongly from 1995 and in 1998 a BV was chosen as the organizational form. There has been AWBZ recognition since 2004. Contracts are concluded with health insurers to cover the costs of treatment. HSK has been working at 30 locations in the Netherlands for twenty years and has 400 employees. 250 psychologists and 12 psychiatrists. The head office is located in Arnhem. The management is in the hands of three directors. The branches are supported by the research and development department and the HSK account agency. There are staff departments for personnel affairs and facilities affairs. The branches are managed by a branch manager. There is also an account manager who takes care of the acquisition and who is also a part-time therapist. HSK is a national organization that helps people with psychological complaints.

Which psychological complaints does HSK treat?

A selection of possible complaints that can be treated by HSK are:

  • Feelings of guilt
  • Work-related complaints
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Depression
  • Traumatic experiences
  • Sadness or nervousness
  • Relationship problems
  • Eating problems
  • Compulsion and obsessive thoughts


How does the treatment proceed?

HSK investigates and treats people with a psychological complaint. The treatment method is mainly aimed at an efficient and speedy recovery. If there is absenteeism due to illness, an attempt will be made to treat it in such a way that resumption of work is possible quickly. The interests of the client and the client are central. It is treated via cognitive therapy.

What is cognitive therapy

Cognitive therapy is a particular form of psychotherapy that was developed in America in the 1960s. The founder of cognitive therapy was A. Beck. The idea behind this therapy is that complaints and problems arise from the way we deal with our thoughts. It is not the events but the colored glasses through which we look and see. Thoughts lead to feelings and by learning to deal with thoughts differently, one can interpret events better. This creates a more objective view of one’s own feelings, allowing negative feelings to disappear and behavior to change.

How does the registration work?

It is important that HSK has short waiting lists. You can quickly go to one of the small-scale branches. However, a referral card must first be requested from your GP. This is necessary so that the healthcare costs can be declared to the health insurer. This only applies to treatments in first or second line. The health insurer cannot provide coaching programs and these costs will be charged to the client or the organization that requested the coaching.

How is quality guaranteed?

We work exclusively with therapists trained in cognitive behavioral therapy. Since 2006, they have been in possession of the HKZ certificate, which means they meet the quality standards of Mental Health Institutions. But the satisfaction of customers and clients is seen as the most valuable. Since 2011, HSK has been awarded the title of Best Managed Companies.

How does HSK work?

At HSK we can distinguish the following types of assistance:

  • Intervention
  • Experts
  • Expertise
  • Prevention
  • Pip
  • CCD
  • Treatment of children


HSK intervention

HSK intervention is used to diagnose and treat employees with psychological complaints so that they can quickly resume work. The treatment can be short-term or long-term. People are treated as quickly and adequately as possible with cognitive behavioral therapy. During treatment, a lot of attention is paid to returning to work, but also to relapse prevention. Feedback is provided to referrers.

HSK Xperts

In the event of major changes within companies, it is possible to call on HSK. They have years of experience and offer the opportunity to temporarily deploy their own psychologists in an institution or company.

HSK expertise

HSK has expertise in the areas of:

  • tic disorders
  • children
  • conversion disorders


HSK prevention

Because prevention is always better than cure, HSK can be helpful in identifying, discussing and preventing complaints and absenteeism. The question of an institution or organization is central.

HSK coaching

Coaching is available for someone who wants to develop personally and adopt more professional behavior. One learns to look at oneself and change behavior if desired. This results in an improvement in self-image, motivation and the possibilities for communication. Coaching provides insight into your current functioning and teaches you to look outside the known box, creating new possibilities. You gain insight into your own behavior but also into the behavior of others. This will happen in 6 to 8 conversations of an average of 2 hours. Two routes are possible:

  • personal coaching
  • executive coaching

The latter process is specifically aimed at managers, directors and entrepreneurs. All aspects of changing leadership are discussed.

HSK acute

In acute situations and emergencies, HSK can be called on 24 hours a day. The 24-hour service can potentially limit serious damage caused by traumatic experiences. For this form of assistance, HSK collaborates with Lourtas BV. This is an organization of ex-HSK employees who have specialized in 24-hour assistance in crisis situations.


A psychologist in practice is a psychologist who works in primary healthcare. Milder forms of psychological problems can be treated in a practical, problem-oriented manner and in consultation with a general practitioner or company doctor. Early recognition is important. There are no waiting lists and the work is based on the latest scientific insights. Psychologist in practice concludes contracts with the health insurer. There is a personal contribution for the client, provided the health insurer pays. In the event that the health insurer does not pay, the costs are for your own account. You should check this carefully before starting the treatment.

Treatment of children

Children from 6 years old and adolescents up to 17 years old can go to HSK for treatment. The following problems can be considered:

  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Eating Disorder
  • Tic disorder
  • Somber mood
  • Complaints that arose after a major event
  • Parenting problems

The treatment is carried out following cognitive therapy. Certain thinking patterns in children can cause complaints. Through said therapy, an attempt is made to change the thinking patterns. HSK provides clear advice to help parents and children work from home. This may include relaxation exercises, learning to regulate unwanted behavior or assertiveness training.


Cure & Care development is a training institute of HSK which aims to bring the latest developments in the field of treatment methods within mental health care to professionals. This is done through training, symposia and workshops that are mainly practical in nature. These are intended for psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social psychiatric nurses, health care workers, orthopedagogues, social workers, insurance doctors and occupational experts, among others.

If you are looking for an HSK branch near you, look at: HSK

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