Use your imagination!

How often is that said in passing when you say you can’t figure something out? If you can create things in your head, you can probably also apply that in practice. In fact that is true, but although most people are visually oriented, fantasizing is still disappointing. Even if it would help them find a solution to a specific problem.


The literal meaning from the dictionary is: the art of inventing things, imagination and ingenuity dream image and is applied via the right hemisphere of the brain.

Healthy or unhealthy

Dutch sobriety sometimes wants to put us down to earth, but it has been shown that fantasizing is not that bad at all. It must be said immediately that what stands for is never good. Yet fantasizing has long been seen as negative and bad, many psychologists adopted Freud’s statement that fantasizing was for unhappy people. If you focused on the sexual aspect, these people would have been frustrated and possibly abused as children. Although Freud cannot call it psychology from the ground up, it does sound in that direction, as is now said.


There are now many scientists who see fantasizing as having added value. It starts as a child and people imitate entire (life) situations in their own unique way with children’s toys such as Lego or Barbie dolls and attributes. The child’s mind knows no bounds and that makes playing so much fun. But also the child on the beach who makes a castle out of water and sand and plays entire stories there as a castle lord or lady and of course everything that is entrusted to paper through fantasy drawing. It can also be said that sometimes the level of creativity comes to the fore and where one child cannot get further than a house and figure on paper, the other can already draw and tell entire stories. Not infrequently drawings that go beyond the mind of an adult.

Just a fantasy or disappear?

If, as adults, you use fantasy to step out of reality, then Freud’s theory can be valid, because of course nothing changes by stepping out of reality for a moment. At most, the mind can briefly try to save the body from reality if it cannot be handled. But such a situation can never be good for long term. What is underneath will then have to come to light.

A fantasy

If it is not about avoiding reality, but about getting a nice and warm feeling, then it is a bit more nuanced. Especially in the sexual field, fantasizing can, for example, help a woman with libido problems. By picturing a moment of excitement and all the smells, colors and sounds that come with it, you can stimulate it in the mind through a fantasy. This can give you just that little push. Moreover, it doesn’t seem so strange after all, because on average three out of four people fantasize during sex. Men are still slightly more likely than women, but women are more likely to feel like they are cheating than men.

Source: Dieter G, Pixabay

Fantasy is good for body and soul

Self-cleaning ability?

Fantasizing in general can help cleanse the body, according to some scientists from India. This is done through the power of visualizing that you can look into the body and follow the different flows one by one and detect and resolve possible blockages (according to a certain method). This is done under the supervision of a specialist and is now used regularly if no cause for a problem can be found from Western medicine. It is not the only way, from the perspective of Eastern medicine, to try to solve physical problems that have arisen in this way.
You don’t have to be very good at fantasizing for this, but it helps to apply some imagination and make it clear in your mind.


Looking for relaxation through a good fantasy moment can also take the stress out of many people. Relaxing and dreaming away in your own fantasy, as it were, can give you some relaxation. Allow at least half an hour for this to really dream away in your own world, enjoy the fantasy and let the body experience it too.


All in all, fantasy isn’t that bad. If we can put it out of play, there is enough left to be applied properly and it is not limited to just our youngest years where it is permissible.

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