Divorce under supervision

Who can provide guidance during a divorce? If, as parents, you come to the conclusion that things are no longer possible together, this has often already preceded a very unpleasant period. If children are also involved, in addition to the emotions that play a role, there are many other matters that need to be arranged. It is important to know who can fulfill an independent role in a divorce and guide the divorce as best as possible.

Who can provide guidance during a divorce?

If, as parents, you come to the conclusion that things are no longer possible together, this has often already preceded a very unpleasant period. It is important to know who can fulfill an independent role in a divorce and guide the divorce as best as possible. Who can you turn to in such a situation and what can that person do for you?

Contested divorce

During the program I’m sorry, the presenter listens in amazement to a father who calls his daughter a closed part of his life, without even moving a muscle in his face. On the other side you see a daughter, twenty-one years young and already scarred by life. Looking for contact with her father and confirmation that she is worth it.

According to statistics, one in three couples gets divorced these days. When you finally decide to divorce, you notice that their lives are very intertwined . One household will eventually have to be turned into two households. If children are also involved, in addition to the emotions that play a role, there are many other matters that need to be arranged. Unfortunately, there are still couples who let their own feelings and misery dominate and lose sight of the well-being of the children.

It can also be done differently

There are also parents who choose to make their divorce proceed more smoothly. Common terms used here are the mediator, co-parenting and the parenting plan, signed by both parties. In the best case, the parents will both get a new boyfriend and girlfriend, who will make decisions about the well-being of the children in good consultation. This way, children get the childhood they deserve.


Through mediation, the conflict in a divorce is resolved with the help of an independent counselor. A mediator, or divorce planner, never takes sides and always remains independent and neutral.

The big difference with the standard working method of a lawyer is that the mediator works for both parties and does not take a position, does not come up with solutions and makes no decisions. That’s what people who get divorced do themselves. The mediator guides you to a solution that both parties fully support.


Co-parenting is a parenting arrangement in which the parents both take on an equal share of the costs, care and upbringing duties for the child. As a result, they both become nurturing parents. In addition, with co-parenting it is usually chosen to continue to exercise parental authority together, but this is not mandatory.

Characteristic of co-parenting is that the parents are both involved in the daily activities of the children. The children are part of two households and live alternately with one parent or the other.

Parenting plan

The government website states that the parenting plan is a mandatory arrangement in which parents who are divorcing make agreements about their minor children. It does not matter whether the parents are married, have a registered partnership or live together. Only parents who live together but do not have joint parental authority over their children are not obliged to draw up a parenting plan.


For the girl from I’m sorry, reconciliation comes considerably late, but in the end the nasty fairy tale has a happy ending. Father and daughter put an end to the past and embrace each other. All those years of misery could perhaps have been prevented. Divorce is sometimes inevitable or not even your own choice, but fortunately everyone has the choice to make a divorce go as smoothly as possible.

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