Oneness, for living in unity

Oneness is a spiritual movement originating from India. It is a teaching that assumes that all is one. The goal is for as many people as possible to experience growth in their consciousness and feel one with the world around them, others and the Higher Self. One method to achieve this is, among other things, giving deeksha treatments. Oneness is not a religion that worships a god. Everyone, regardless of their philosophy of life, can engage in it in the way that suits them.


Oneness is a vision of life that aims to help people live more from their hearts, making them more conscious in life. Oneness means unity. This vision revolves around unity consciousness, a state that, according to the followers of Oneness, as many people as possible should achieve. It is not the individual that is important, we are one together. Only then can people live in the here and now and become enlightened. It is believed that major changes are already taking place worldwide. Things don’t seem to be going well with all the wars, abuses, the crisis and so on, but according to the Oneness supporters, this is a harbinger of a new era that would soon dawn.


The couple Bhagavan and Amma set up the Oneness University in India. They believe that they came to earth to help humanity achieve a higher consciousness. Higher consciousness leads to enlightenment. If as many people as possible entered a higher state of consciousness, it could put an end to war, hunger and disease. They call this state of enlightenment the Golden Age. According to Bhagavan and Amma, this era of peace and unity would reveal itself between 2009 and 2012. Since the founding of Oneness University, they have been widely followed. People all over the world are concerned with the Oneness theory.


Deeksha comes from Sanskrit. The word means initiation or consecration. Deeksha (also spelled diksha) is also called Oneness Blessing. It is an energy transfer that can take place from person to person. To do this, the blanket giver places his hands on the recipient’s head for one minute. It is believed that this laying on of hands causes a neurobiological change in the recipient’s brain. Deeksha is said to promote healing of the body and brings people more into harmony with themselves and the world around them. Deeksha can be received by anyone, young or old. The only condition is that you open yourself up to it, during and after the treatment. Only then can the energy transfer take place as best as possible and you can reap the benefits. Deeksha treatment is safe during pregnancy and for people with psychiatric problems.


Changes that a deeksha treatment could bring about:

  • A more vital body
  • Better learning performance
  • Improving memory
  • Improved intuition
  • Increase in creativity
  • Removing blockages
  • Addictions disappear
  • Obsessions disappear
  • Less anger
  • Less fear
  • Better relationships


Deeksha treatment at a distance

Deeksha can be given by a therapist who has undergone training for this and has also received a special initiation. This can be done, for example, in a deeksha practice. He or she may also be willing to come to your home. It is also possible to undergo a deeksha treatment remotely. The giver and the receiver make an appointment for this, whereby both concentrate on the treatment at the agreed time, so that the energy can be passed on. Even a deeksha treatment via the internet is possible.

No religion

Oneness is not based on any particular belief. Adherents do not need to convert to a god. Everyone, regardless of religion or belief, can engage in Oneness. Through yoga, meditation and mindfulness exercises, one tries to achieve a certain state of consciousness in which one can experience more happiness and a unity consciousness is created. Living from your heart is the motto, this creates softness, more love and a better quality of life.

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