Working from home, make it work

There are quite a few advantages to working from home. For example, it is good for the environment because the car remains at home. It turns out to be good for your mood, but also for your productivity. Convince your employer and work from your own home more often. This way you work pleasantly and effectively, you are happy and your employer is happy.

Convincing your employer

Convincing your employer is very important to make your mission successful. Employers, especially department heads, are often afraid of losing control over the employee. They are afraid that the employee at home will throw in the towel. Nothing could be further from the truth, home workers often work longer than when they are in the office.

Highlight the benefits

When you regularly work from home, you are more productive, more satisfied, more loyal to your employer, less stressed and less likely to get sick. The American management researcher Ravi Gajendran has demonstrated this with a meta-analysis. A meta-analysis is a study in which studies on a particular topic are combined to obtain a more accurate outcome. Working from home appears to have a major advantage, especially for women. From the moment women are allowed to work partially from home, they receive better ratings and their career opportunities increase.

Refuting the disadvantages

Many employers fear the loss of control over the employee. This especially applies to the heads of departments, according to Utrecht professor of labor economics Joop Schippers. That is why it is important to immediately inform your boss that you want to make clear agreements about your performance and accessibility during the days that you work from home. Also tell your boss that you want to catch up on your work regularly. As long as the number of days working from home does not exceed two days in a five-day working week and the team has at least one joint working day per working week, it appears that team spirit does not have to suffer. In any case, the willingness to help each other does not decrease under these circumstances. It turns out that some forms of knowledge transfer via email are even better. Apparently there are things that we can explain to each other better in writing than orally.

The more the better

Joop Schippers believes that working from home is higher on our wish list than, for example, a lease car. There are probably several colleagues who would like to work from home for one or two days. Together you are stronger, so submit a proposal together. Think of solutions in advance for certain problems that may arise, such as what information should not leave the office. Be ahead of your boss and meet any objections a boss may have and immediately provide solutions.

Be clear about how you want to spend your working from home days

It is important to be clear with your boss. Be honest about it if you want to sleep in or go to the masseur in the afternoon, because that means that in the evening you will do the work you brought for the day. Make clear agreements about the times when you are available. If you have children, let your boss know how you have arranged things for them. No employer will believe that you can do your job with your children around you.


Many companies would like to see their part-time employees work more due to the tightness on the labor market. As a parent you are of course not keen on that, but if you could work those few extra hours from home, for example on a Wednesday morning or in the evenings, then that is a great arrangement. This also applies, for example, to an extension of tasks. If your boss wants you to take full responsibility for a certain task, then that is fine if you can work on it at home.

Working from home

If you have managed to convince your boss, you will of course make sure that you hand in your work neatly and on time. Continue to monitor your objectives and ensure that working from home proves to be a good arrangement for you, your colleagues and your employer.
Too homelyOf course it is useful that you can perform certain household tasks during working hours, when you work from home. However, make sure that you do not do too much housework during your chosen working hours, as you will negate the major advantage of working from home, better concentration. If you can’t resist doing something around the house, find a quiet and pleasant place to work, such as the study room of a library or, when the weather is nice, in a quiet place in the park.

Excess is harmful

Studies have shown that people who work from home often work longer than if they were in the office. That is of course not wrong, but keep an eye on it. If you catch yourself systematically working too long, write down the hours you work. For example, if you worked extra hours over the weekend, you can deduct them on another work-from-home day.

Don’t make working from home difficult for colleagues

Often the mutual contact with your colleagues becomes a lot less when you work from home. So make sure that your colleagues do not suffer from the fact that you are working from home. For example, forward the phone at your workplace to your home or at least put it on voicemail. Also regularly show your colleagues that you are not only busy with your own work, but that you also think about the company as a whole. If necessary, ask your colleagues after a few months how they like your work from home.

Show your face regularly

Naturally, you have agreed with your boss when you will be present in the office. However, be aware that you cannot maintain your collegial contacts with formal meetings alone. Informal contacts, such as drinks after a good department result or eating cake with a colleague celebrating his birthday, are also important. Even if it is a work-from-home day, go to the office especially on such an occasion. You can also arrange to have lunch with colleagues who you suddenly see less often. Please also note that sensitive issues should not be handled by email, but rather in person or at least by telephone.

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